Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016

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  • #4548741 Reply | Quote

    Dear Sirs:

    Taking advantage of the offer made by CNET’S Cheapskate, I downloaded and installed SerialSafe.

    Unfortunately, I cannot register the product. Following the instructions given by you, I entered the info given and the code but could not make it work.

    Could you send me a working code?


    #4548821 Reply | Quote

    @Christoppher Sonon
    Thank you for your reply :)
    1) Abt the changelog, yes, I will send you a message. Still, having a ready available listing on the site is not only convenient, but also inspires confidence on the product.
    2) Ok
    New questions
    3) Abt the Policy: I intend to buy 2 licenses for me & my husband. Mostly we intend to use the portable on our PortableApps external HDD, but also want to use installed version, just in case the external isn’t available. The license we buy allows to use both the installed *AND* the portable versions? Just want to make sure each license covers both versions.
    4) Will the Portable retain the license info/RegKey when I change from PCs to laptops?

    Thank you in advance

    #4549373 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Please reach out to [email protected] with the information you are attempting to register with. This will allow me to validate your issue and assist you better.

    #4549378 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    In regards to your questions please see the following.
    3. The license will work with any one of the 4 flavors. You are not limited to which one you utilize. You can share the database between the portable and installed version without issue as well. The license is per user, not machine, so you can install on multiple machines and carry on multiple portable devices.
    4. Yes, see #3 response. The license data is embedded into the database for your usage and transferring between flavors of the software.

    #4549483 Reply | Quote

    Feature request:
    In vertical view, you need to be able to expand the product bar. Not enough of the name shows up on the screen for bigger product names.

    #4549619 Reply | Quote

    More suggestions
    1) clicking on a product shouldn’t scroll the list of products back to the top of the list.
    2) select a version box should be able to cancel out of it.

    #4550853 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Thank you for your suggestions. They will be added to the review list. Can you please elaborate a little more on item #1 so that I may review? When you select a product, it should select that object in the list. Are you saying you see different behavior? Thank you!

    #4553242 Reply | Quote

    When you click on a product on the list it selects that item correctly, but if the item isn’t on the top of the list, the list scrolls to the top of the list. So if you have say 50 items in the list and only 40 show on the screen, item 50 doesn’t show on the screen unless you scroll down, clicking on the name selects the item, but then the product lists scrolls to the top and you have to scroll it back down if you want item 49 in the list.

    #4557652 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Thank you for the clarification. That will help me to fix the issue.

    #4566286 Reply | Quote

    @Christopher Hi :)
    Thank you for you reply
    3) That is great! I didn’t understand that, the policy on the front page was not clear.
    4) Perfect!! Your app is even more interesting than I thought

    N.B.1: I *finally* managed to buy 2 licenses !!! Boy, was that complicated !!! Somehow, one is *not* allowed to buy more than one at a time!! In the end, had to use 2 different PayPal accnts. Grrrr :(
    Anyway, it is done now, but you should look into it, other people might just give up midway and you lose sales, without even knowing it …
    N.B.2: Now, for the laughs … When you said “The license works w any of the 4 flavours”, it left me perplexed. Could not figure out what it could possibly mean. English is only my 3rd language, certain subtleties escape me. Took awhile, but finally got it! Then laughed out loud, cause actually t’was funny the way you said it!! It is clear, once you get it.
    Hope this makes you smile, imagining my brain going all over the place, totally puzzled!!! :D

    Danke, Obrigada, Merci, Gracias
    Have a great day!

    #4566590 Reply | Quote

    Dear Ash :)
    Hope all is well
    When will the promise you made, MANY moons ago(!!!), to add an ‘Edit’ feature to our posts, will actually arrive? Even if it had just a ½ hr delay, it wd really help! Me waiting ;)

    Also, it wd b really nice if you could improve the “Policy” text, and maybe make it a bit more clear & prominent.
    And, a few times, the company’s actual Policy was different from the one stated in the offer page, (like the one from SerialSafe). And I would really appreciate if the mention ‘Hardware Activation’ is stated, if/when that is the case, as that is quite important in a decision to when/where to install.

    Peace ;)
    N.B.: Since this msg has nothing to do w the sw offered, you can just delete this post. Ciao!

    #4567863 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Yes – that did make me laugh. Thank you for that! :)
    In regards to the policy, there where two promotions running on SharewareOnsale. One was a free giveaway, which is what the Policy they had pertained to. The other was the discounted sales. The information I provided to you was for a full purchased copy. I hope that clears things up.

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Reply To: SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016