Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016 Reply To: SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016

#4548821 Quote

@Christoppher Sonon
Thank you for your reply :)
1) Abt the changelog, yes, I will send you a message. Still, having a ready available listing on the site is not only convenient, but also inspires confidence on the product.
2) Ok
New questions
3) Abt the Policy: I intend to buy 2 licenses for me & my husband. Mostly we intend to use the portable on our PortableApps external HDD, but also want to use installed version, just in case the external isn’t available. The license we buy allows to use both the installed *AND* the portable versions? Just want to make sure each license covers both versions.
4) Will the Portable retain the license info/RegKey when I change from PCs to laptops?

Thank you in advance