Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle / May 2 2020

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  • #15464094 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle, post it here! If you know of issues with 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #15466275 Reply | Quote
    drvajra sharma

    Nothing happens!
    D/loaded SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_200_Awesome_Photoshop_Brushes_Bundle_hub.exe
    After executing the file, there is no .zip folder.
    What’s wrong? Can someone help pls?

    #15467688 Reply | Quote

    Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle – 10 Atmospheric Brushes do not load in Photoshop with a software bug!

    #15467958 Reply | Quote
    Dez Pain

    Supposed to load in Gimp or Paint Shop Pro. Neither can open these files. I think there is something seriously wrong here or the offer is fake.

    #15468196 Reply | Quote

    WARNING !!!! your downloader hub triggers Panda antivirus !!!

    #15468286 Reply | Quote
    Maureen Potts

    The brushes have to be converted to be able to use them. There are two freeware programs that can do that. They are abrmate and abrViewer.NET.
    They will convert them to png format.

    #15468346 Reply | Quote

    [@Dez Pain] the brushes work fine in paint.net but you have to use a plugin so maybe it’s the same for gimp?

    #15470071 Reply | Quote

    I had no problems with gimp and adobe photoshop; the brushes are really “awesome”. I like it! Thank you!

    #15471168 Reply | Quote
    drvajra sharma


    Could you pls tell me how to use the brushes in paint.net?

    #15471359 Reply | Quote

    I have a problem with it. It tells me the brushes are old or can’t load. I have cs5.

    #15471448 Reply | Quote

    Had no issues at all downloading or getting the zip file. Follow the setup / install instructions. Once you do that, you’ll have the Zip File. Zip files need to be extracted in order to use the files inside them (in this case the abr files for photoshop brushes). To do this, right click on the zip file. Choose Extract from the list, where you want the files extracted to, and left click ok. Very simple and straight forward.

    It extracted just fine on my end. Once extracted the files should be moved to your Photoshop brushes location or wherever you access them if different… or within the other editing programs used (same with those, place where you normally access brushes).

    Some editing programs need photoshop plugins in order to use the files. Some just need to be converted to png or another format. Check with your program for more information.

    These brushes work perfectly and without any issues. Thank you for the offer!

    #15473866 Reply | Quote

    It works also with Affinity photo.No problem to install
    ça marche aussi avec Affinityphoto.Pas de pb pour installer

    #15475874 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    For Photoshop 7,

    I converted them with free

    [ https ://abrmate. software. informer. com/download/ ]

    then dropped them into

    [ C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Presets\Brushes ]

    then from within Photoshop, select an existing brush, then

    right-clicked anywhere on a picture, and >> added brushes, “append”, and they imported, were selectable, resizable, and they worked.

    Some of them are more one-click patterns rather than brushes, but we can explore how to use them.

    #15479012 Reply | Quote

    Works fine with Affinity Designer just make sure you are in Pixel Persona to see them

    #15480561 Reply | Quote


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Reply To: 200 Awesome Photoshop Brushes Bundle / May 2 2020