Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AcePDF Editor / Jan 18 2024

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  • #21977890 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about AcePDF Editor? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AcePDF Editor, post it here! If you know of issues with AcePDF Editor, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21978440 Reply | Quote
    Philippe Eliet

    Hello !
    I can’t find the button to activate the license.

    #21979692 Reply | Quote

    Installed product and its suppose to have activate button on the top right. It has NO Activate button. Have restarted. Still no activate box nor any place else in software as stated in your FAQ. So how would one activate it????

    #21979914 Reply | Quote
    Krzysztof Sowiński

    Bardzo proszę u umieszczanie przy programach informacji o tym w jakim jest języku. Aplikacja w języku chińskim nie jest mi potrzebna.

    #21980060 Reply | Quote
    lavisse denis

    Où entrer la clé du logiciel ?……

    #21980661 Reply | Quote
    Nestor Martins

    Hello !
    I can’t find the button to activate the license.

    #21981019 Reply | Quote
    Iryna_Petro_ Germans

    Amazing program! It OCR text converter has easily converted old PDF in the Cyrillic alphabet, which could not transform other similar program long time. I am shocked! And now, I can with no problem listen to this book into audio file. It’s great! Thanks to everybody from whom it was depended on getting this program. Really extent program!

    #21981345 Reply | Quote

    Looks great and working well but it is only free for one year once activated.

    #21981444 Reply | Quote

    I installed the program and tried to change some words in a pdf form with it. I was able to make a change, but the new text is in italics and the font doesn’t match the original font. I’ve tried changing the font setting and toggling the italics button, but neither of those have any effect–any new or edited text is in the different (SimSun?) font, and in italics. Is there a way to edit the text and match the original font? Thanks.

    #21985719 Reply | Quote

    Useful program, but pdfs and buttons appear blurry on 4K monitor. Perhaps a scaling problem?

    #21986580 Reply | Quote

    Why I can’t find the button to activate the license ?

    #21988525 Reply | Quote

    Thanks, Ashraf!

    #22382905 Reply | Quote
    Mohammed ushairam

    I have received a license key from ShareWareOnsale and used it in my laptop, later my laptop crashed due to some error and i had to reset it all the way. now when i login or try to use the key , it says error occurred. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
Reply To: AcePDF Editor / Jan 18 2024