Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AI Secrets Vault / Jul 27 2024

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  • #22547005 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about AI Secrets Vault? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AI Secrets Vault, post it here! If you know of issues with AI Secrets Vault, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22547411 Reply | Quote
    Phil K

    This is NOT “free” it’s demanding you pay £5 for something you don’t want before being able to download this

    #22547991 Reply | Quote

    To Phil K : what you say is inexact. You didn’t read the instructions correctly. This product is free and you do not have to pay anything. You should be more careful before posting in order to avoid to give false information.

    #22549305 Reply | Quote

    I have spent my money, living in a country with war, who struggle for its Independence and having big problems in life, for nothing. There are only informational texts which have made by GPT. No any creative products that they showed in their advs video. Do not buy from them. Such information people can easily to find in net.

    #22549318 Reply | Quote

    I wanna my 5$ BACK!!!

    #22549812 Reply | Quote

    [@Onlineclub] If you’d have read my post or the sos instrucyions, you wouldn’t have paid anything.

    #22550294 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    After a few minutes realizing the ai-secrets-vault-jul-27-2024 web page is masked and cannot all be downloaded at once . . .

    I printed each of the 28 pages into PDFs, and it only took about 10 minutes of constant clicking on a really fast computer with really fast Internet – FREE Adobe Acrobat Writer can combine them into ONE PDF – later.

    The pages look like someone asked AI to cerate an AI ‘tips and tricks’ web page.

    I suppose it’s a ‘leg up’ for those of use who couldn’t care less but might like to scan through some tips and tricks to see what it’s all about.



    #22551896 Reply | Quote
    Tod b

    [@Peter Blaise]
    Thanks Peter.
    [@Peter Blaise]

    #22558866 Reply | Quote
    Long Phan

    As expected from another Jasrati product: Abyssmal quality that’s nearly broke the limit of ratings to achieve a negative number of stars.

    #22559616 Reply | Quote

    [@Peter Blaise]
    Good to see you are still in action.

    #22568944 Reply | Quote
    J Gore

    A very interesting collection of hacks, tips and user friendly approaches to help even a novice approach the sometimes intimidating world of AI.
    Even for the price it is a good deal, but ShareWareOnSale.com is offering it for free, its a GREAT Value!
    Thanks ShareWareOnSale.com

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Reply To: AI Secrets Vault / Jul 27 2024