Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Ashampoo Backup Pro 15 / May 22 2022

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  • #19722751 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Ashampoo Backup Pro 15? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Ashampoo Backup Pro 15, post it here! If you know of issues with Ashampoo Backup Pro 15, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19724546 Reply | Quote
    Fulgura Frango

    I downloaded and installed the software and as the last step I entered my e-mail and Ashampoo password. Yet, the software said I don’t have a license, nor does it say it is sending me licence information. Could you please help?

    #19725375 Reply | Quote

    I have the same problem that Fulgura

    #19725876 Reply | Quote


    #19726910 Reply | Quote

    The following WAS my submitted review:
    “Get it – at least try it if you do not already have a good backup strategy!

    While I personally prefer a complete different approach…:
    This IS worth downloading, registering and using it!

    Even knowing that it is not the fastest tool, an as well does provide the best compression rates this is toot was reliable under all by me tested conditions: I tested it twice on my own computers under different conditions, suggested and installed it on some friend´s computers…
    It is intuitive and easy to understand and pretty good watches that it´s need for system resources eats up not too much of them – means: it does its job well in the background!

    You might even accomplish an easy “set and forget” setup.

    Only due too the mentioned point:
    – being not the fastest tool
    – does not provide the best compression level and
    – additionally needs to produce ( a well implemented, but needed process!) a Windows-PE recovery media… because ONLY THAT will provide you with a full security level: to get your system and personal data back under ALL conditions…! )
    … I rate it at (only, and only slightly…) below 5 Stars and finally decided for “only” 4 stars , knowing it would be a “5” for most users.


    “What is this about ???
    Am I blocked from reviewing ??? Or what is going on ?
    I am asking, for this is not the 1st time I could not find my (JUST KINDLY OFFERED) reviews.
    And I cant find a real reason for this – beside that most of my reviews were somewhat critical …
    – but always honest!
    – and always based on really testing the offered programs!

    So be at least so kind and inform me (at least) … or, even better: also WHY ?!
    And please understand, that I am not greedy at all to WASTE my time (any longer) IF I am blocked

    Looking forward for a short answer
    Kind regards

    I think, I never broke any ethical rules (at least I think so…), and I am (rather) sure as well not to have broken any EULA
    (and IF SO, I am really sorry for this).”

    What now …???!!!

    #19727685 Reply | Quote

    @Fulgura Frango

    You must (and can only!) register with that PRODUCT-Key that will be SENT TO YOUR E-Mail ADRESS(!) AFTER your customer registration process had been completed!

    #19729093 Reply | Quote
    Fulgura Frango


    No e-mail has been sent and recceived. That’s the problem. I already had an account and two software by Ashampoo but this one is not added to them. My problem continues.

    #19729797 Reply | Quote

    no me envian la clave de activacion por mi correo

    #19733121 Reply | Quote


    I did this. But dont work, I didn’t receive any key in my email. The Ashampoo account, with same email, does not contain any valid license.

    #19736340 Reply | Quote

    No key received yet

    #19740793 Reply | Quote
    Barry Smith

    same problem as others !!!!!!
    I downloaded and installed the software and as the last step I entered my e-mail and Ashampoo password. Yet, the software said I don’t have a license, nor does it say it is sending me licence information. Could you please help?

    #19740918 Reply | Quote

    @Barry Smith (and others…)
    READ!!! above:
    “You must (and can only!) register with THAT PRODUCT-Key that will be SENT TO YOUR E-Mail ADDRESS(!) – AFTER your customer registration process had been completed!”

    #19744399 Reply | Quote


    Dear Wosa,

    What you don’t understand is that this procedure “register with THAT PRODUCT-Key that will be SENT TO YOUR E-Mail ADDRESS(!)” has already been done. The promotion didn’t work out as expected, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

    #19745735 Reply | Quote

    You wrote:
    “I have the same problem that Fulgura”
    While “Fulgura Frango” wrote
    “… I entered my e-mail and Ashampoo password …”

    Don´t´you notice the IMPORTANT difference… (“Ashampoo password” vs “Product key”) ???

    You can register with a 2nd e-mail address at ASHAMPOO and than will get a 2nd (different) key (after having gone through the registration process at the ASHAMPOO homepage – and than will get a 2nd (different, NEW) PRODUCT KEY (similar to this example: ABC12-DEF34-GH567-IJK89…)
    BTW: Your key(s) are as well listed IN YOUR ASHAMPOO ACCOUNT(s)! …

    #19746060 Reply | Quote


    Wosa, did you perform the procedure to understand?

    Yes, it’s the same problem as Fulgura and the others. I have registered an Ashampoo account and have not received any license key in my email, so there is no way to activate the product without the “blessed” key. Because when activating the software, it asks for your registered email and password to search for the existing key in the account, but there is not one because we did not receive it, because the offer procedure did not work. So yes, everyone here is faced with the same problem.

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Reply To: Reply #19864175 in Ashampoo Backup Pro 15 / May 22 2022