Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Ashampoo Duplicate File Finder / Jul 17 2023

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  • #21374231 Reply | Quote

    BY the way… Whoever translated Ashampoo’s interface to Turkish made a bad joke. The “distributor” is translated as “scammer” or “fraudster”. Please check your translations.

    #21374446 Reply | Quote
    Ray C.

    Same problem as others here are reporting: Connect program hangs up, does not install Duplicate File Finder, shows a gray bar at the bottom and will not close unless you kill it using Task Manager.

    #21374947 Reply | Quote

    I agree with others – “Did not install. Connect program hung up at last step and would not install or cancel or “get”. ” and
    “grey bar [appears] and then nothing else happens.”
    Tried going to Ashampoo site and without logging into my AShampoo account, downloaded the free Duplicate File Finder – got file with different name but same size 904KB. Went through same process – get, install in connect and same result – fails.

    #21375018 Reply | Quote
    Ed Seneshen

    I had the same problem with Ashampoo Connect. Would hang after telling it to install. Couldn’t exit, had to use Task Manager to close.

    #21375179 Reply | Quote

    It doesn’t install the Duplicate File Finder programa. It installs Connect, but then it frozes when trying to install the other.

    #21375366 Reply | Quote

    @Everyone: We are trying to ask the developer to fix these issues. It looks like some people are able to install the giveaway and some are not.

    #21375966 Reply | Quote

    Failed to install giveaway,

    2023-07-17 17:50:46.020 +03:00 [ERR] Unhandled exception in circuit ‘ZmIpPL9pemCeCsyfmX2HvgB21w8g3RMN_LF3Bf3WyeY’.
    Ashampoo.Connect.Service.Application.Features.Collection.Exceptions.CollectionItemNotFoundException: Item with id ‘10101’ not found in collection.
    at Ashampoo.Connect.Service.Application.Features.Collection.CollectionManager.GetItemById(CollectionItemId id)
    at Ashampoo.Connect.Service.Features.Collection.Commands.InstallItem.InstallItemCommandPreProcessor.Process(InstallItemCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    at MediatR.Pipeline.RequestPreProcessorBehavior2.Handle(TRequest request, RequestHandlerDelegate1 next, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    at Ashampoo.Connect.Service.Pages.Authorized.Product.AddFreeProductDialog.GetFreeProduct(Boolean installProduct)
    at Ashampoo.Connect.Service.Pages.Authorized.Product.AddFreeProductDialog.OnClickGetAndInstallFreeProduct()
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(Task task)
    at MudBlazor.MudBaseButton.OnClickHandler(MouseEventArgs ev)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(Task task)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)

    #21392252 Reply | Quote

    Installed after numerous attempts. But the version is already outdated. Useless, slow, incomplete. I was asked for a licence key tot buy. Will remove it from my PC now…

    #21414636 Reply | Quote

    Esta oferta es del 17 de Julio 2023, cuando ha terminado?

    Yo lo quería.

    Pero estoy viendo que hay muchos problemas de instalación.

    A mi me ha pasado hoy con 2 productos de Ashampoo:
    Backup Pro 16 –> Instalador pide la licencia y no me ha llegado ningún correo con ella.
    Music Studio 2023 –> Al abrir el programa está esperando confirmación de correo electrónico pero no me llega.

    ¿Pueden ayudarme, por favor?


    This offer is from July 17, 2023, when does it end?

    I wanted it.

    But I am seeing that there are many installation problems.

    It happened to me today with 2 Ashampoo products:
    Backup Pro 16 –> Installer asks for the license and I have not received any email with it.
    Music Studio 2023 –> When opening the program, it is waiting for an email confirmation but it does not arrive.

    Can you help me please?

    #21609414 Reply | Quote

    several attempts to use it,
    you can select any paths, its all or nothing.
    no progress meter, left it running for a day and then suddenly completed.
    no chance to select the duplicate to remove or export list., just gives you a list of files to delete or not. cnat be sure what its matched as duplicate.

    #21752826 Reply | Quote


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Reply To: Reply #21609414 in Ashampoo Duplicate File Finder / Jul 17 2023