Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Asman Task Management / Jan 29 2019

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  • #12981096 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Asman Task Management? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Asman Task Management, post it here! If you know of issues with Asman Task Management, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #12981338 Reply | Quote

    Ce logiciel est absolument nul! Il ne présente aucun intérêt et est en retard de plusieurs générations de windows puisqu’il doit fonctionner en mode compatibilité XP. L’ergonomie et l’IHM sont antédiluviens.
    Désolé, mais je préfère de loin ONE NOTE qui est plus efficace, plus complet et … gratuit.

    #12982060 Reply | Quote

    Ce logiciel est absolument nul! Il ne présente aucun intérêt et est en retard de plusieurs générations de windows puisqu’il doit fonctionner en mode compatibilité XP. L’ergonomie et l’IHM sont antédiluviens.
    Désolé, mais je préfère de loin ONE NOTE qui est plus efficace, plus complet et … gratuit.

    In English: “This software is absolutely nil! It is of no interest and is behind several generations of windows since it must work in XP compatibility mode. Ergonomics and HMI are antediluvian.
    Sorry, but I much prefer ONE NOTE which is more efficient, more complete and … free.”

    #12983779 Reply | Quote

    WARNING: ESET reported that this stone-old program tries to install a TROJAN!!! Deleted!!!
    WARNING: ESET reported that this stone-old program tries to install a TROJAN!!! Deleted!!!
    WARNING: ESET reported that this stone-old program tries to install a TROJAN!!! Deleted!!!
    WARNING: ESET reported that this stone-old program tries to install a TROJAN!!! Deleted!!!

    #12984027 Reply | Quote

    virus detected (mcafee antivirus)

    #12985416 Reply | Quote

    I’m baffled by this program. No help file and no instructions on how to use it or what it can be used for. Please help!

    #12986134 Reply | Quote
    Stu Mountjoy

    If you literally take the expression “no installation required”, you expect the program to start doing things once you have clicked the download button on the website! Because the download was a ZIP file, you at least need to unzip the contents, which I did. Both Chrome and my AVG believed that it MIGHT be a virus, but in order to run whatever it was, I over-rid those. Then Windows 10 did not believe an .exe could be safe, so I over-rid that, LOL. Cautious is fine, as long as it doesn’t block innocent. “Innocent until PROVEN guilty”, right, even in the world of computer software? It’s a real laugh, that in order to run these good programs, you have NO antivirus running, with a connection to the internet…

    #12986460 Reply | Quote

    fake or not portable. need direct play? for xp or vista … not for 10

    #12983971 Reply | Quote
    #13002151 Reply | Quote

    Blocked by Bitdefender after execution due to virus infection in multiple files.
    Beware activate malware when execute .exe file.

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Reply To: Asman Task Management / Jan 29 2019