Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion AudioGrail / Feb 10 2021

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  • #17248400 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about AudioGrail? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than AudioGrail, post it here! If you know of issues with AudioGrail, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #17248836 Reply | Quote

    i am disappointed that is a demo version

    #17249850 Reply | Quote

    I’ve purchased and downloaded software from this vendor in the past and it has been very good.

    However, this one not so much. No problem downloading, installing and registering. I ran a scan of about 500 audio files (mp3) and received an “An Error has occurred” message. I checked the log file and it really didn’t tell me much. I ran the Duplicate Finder and got the same result – “An Error has occurred.”

    So, unfortunately, this program is not working for me. Uninstalled, but thank you for the opportunity to try it.

    #17251376 Reply | Quote
    Doug Dingle

    I’ve posted about this before, but Ashraf has ignored it, so I’ll try again:

    There is absolutely no value to the long list of years old reviews of older versions of the software being offered. None. Zero.

    I can’t imagine ANYONE cares what someone thought of this software in 2015. I certainly don’t.

    Seriously, Ashraf. Give it a rest. Posted reviews should be, at BEST, a year old. Otherwise, they’re utterly worthless to most people.

    #17251534 Reply | Quote

    Dear Ashraf,
    Please keep older reviews of giveaways, because I find them very helpful in checking if the older problems have been fixed in newer versions.

    Thank you for all the great stuff you are offering on your site.

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Reply To: AudioGrail / Feb 10 2021