Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Bono Host Unlimited Plan: Lifetime Web Hosting Subscription / Oct 13 2023

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    Have something to say about Bono Host Unlimited Plan: Lifetime Web Hosting Subscription? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Bono Host Unlimited Plan: Lifetime Web Hosting Subscription, post it here! If you know of issues with Bono Host Unlimited Plan: Lifetime Web Hosting Subscription, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21859160 Reply | Quote
    Anthony Gillespie

    Purchased a lifetime hosting package allowing unlimited domains, but encountered an unexpected hurdle. When attempting to claim the voucher, it demanded prior domain registration or transfer of an existing domain to the hosting provider, a requirement undisclosed in the initial offer from sharewareonsale.com.

    Despite being a hosting voucher, there was an additional cost for domain registration, around US$30, valid for two years. However, my domains and hosting were already prepaid for a year. During checkout, the system tried to imposed domain registration fees again, even though I already owned the domain names. I decided not to claim the voucher at the time.

    Realizing the discrepancy between the offer and the actual terms, I should have sought a refund for the voucher that didn’t align with the purchased package. The absence of upfront information about domain registration or transfer as a prerequisite for claiming the voucher led to confusion. My intention was to exchange it when my hosting bundle concluded in February 2024, but my misinterpretation of the 30-day claim period caused the coupon code to expire when I attempted the transfer recently.

    It’s disheartening to have lost US$69 due to my misinterpretation of the terms and conditions. I’m rating it two stars, acknowledging my oversight of the validity to claim. I cannot atest to any other part of the services offered since I will not be using it.

    I’d caution against this offer for those who already possess a hosting package unless it’s close to renewal. Moreover, if you’re contemplating a shift to another hosting provider, this offer doesn’t accommodate it unless you register or transfer a domain while subscribing to hosting via the “special offer.” It will attempt to charge you for domain registration, even if it applies the discount to the hosting service, even if you already own the domain.

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Reply To: Bono Host Unlimited Plan: Lifetime Web Hosting Subscription / Oct 13 2023