Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion BootRacer Premium / Oct 29 2019

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  • #14527081 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about BootRacer Premium? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than BootRacer Premium, post it here! If you know of issues with BootRacer Premium, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #14527206 Reply | Quote

    Nie mogę zarejestrować, wklejam kod, ale program go nie przyjmuje

    #14528000 Reply | Quote

    Key is valid only for version, downloaded from SharewareOnSale web site.
    Do not try to register trial version.

    #14528818 Reply | Quote

    downloaded but not installing

    #14529003 Reply | Quote

    What’s the problem?

    #14529260 Reply | Quote

    As a one-purpose item, I’m thinking this is probably worth checking out.
    That said, I will note that the veteran WinUtilities suite (which has been a promo / giveaway, from time to time) provided excellent control over the Win Startup items’ behavior, along with a large collection of other very useful Windows-related features. It was not particularly complicated to use, either.

    #14529359 Reply | Quote

    Thank you.

    #14529599 Reply | Quote
    Thomas Black

    You don’t need a program to control startup programs and services this can be done natively in windows.

    #14529632 Reply | Quote

    This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
    No free updates; if you update the giveaway, it may become unregistered
    No free tech support
    You must redeem the license key before this offer has ended
    May not be resold

    Do you want us to have the same version all our life?
    Cannot update

    #14532526 Reply | Quote

    [@Gioantonnello] They want us to try out the program and are generous enough to not stop it from functioning after 30 or 90 days or even a year. They want us to tell our friends if we like it. If we grow to depend on it, then they hope we will purchase an upgrade or lifetime license once new features are added that we want, or once Windows changes enough that our old version quits working, or once our HDD or SSD fails. They can get more sales, we get something helpful. Good deal for everyone.

    And yes, Windows lets you control what starts, but it’s not so helpful in finding which programs delay startup the most, or having some start on after a delay (so you can get other work started sooner). BootRacer does these things well. I have been fortunate to get a new version free on SOS several times now. Thank you SOS and BootRacer team!

    #14532921 Reply | Quote

    Dlaczego ten program od razu udowadnia, że działa nijak ? Kiedy okazuje się, że wykrył program(y) które spowalniają start komputera, dalej patrząc na ścieżkę tego programu [C://Program Files (…)], okazuje się że tego programu po prostu nie ma w komputerze. Nie ma takiej ścieżki również. Jest za to możliwość wykasowania z programów uruchamiających komputer. Niech mi wyjaśni tą niekwestionowaną niefrasobliwość programu, bo przecież cholera nie dają pomocy technicznej.

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Reply To: BootRacer Premium / Oct 29 2019