Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Comics Graphics Toolkit / Aug 2 2024

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  • #22571156 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Comics Graphics Toolkit? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Comics Graphics Toolkit, post it here! If you know of issues with Comics Graphics Toolkit, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22571338 Reply | Quote

    Le délai était trop court. Je n’ai plus accès au deal for “comic graphic toolkit”

    #22572320 Reply | Quote

    Unfortunately, for people who specifically wanted the Bonus items, I’m afraid that they’re not included in the downloaded files.

    Having said that, the Comics Graphics Toolkit does include some cute, fun icons/graphics that people might appreciate. ;-)

    #22572350 Reply | Quote



    Je ne suis pas sûr de ce que vous voulez dire, mon ami, mais une fois inscrit sur le site indiqué, il vous offre un accès à vie aux fichiers.

    Essayez de le laisser pendant un court moment, puis reconnectez-vous après un certain temps avec votre adresse e-mail et le mot de passe que vous avez créé.

    (English: grandemange,

    I’m not quite sure what you mean, my friend, but once you’ve registered on the site given, it offers you lifetime access to the files.

    Try leaving it for a short time, then relog back in after a while with your email address and the password you made.

    #22572659 Reply | Quote

    When I went to download the software, it wanted to do an update to my browser….Major NO NO. I do not let any unknown or untried program from an unknown source update my browser, no telling what might sneak in with it.

    #22572852 Reply | Quote
    Kovel Rovel

    I like very much. Thanks to everybody from whom depended getting.

    #22573464 Reply | Quote

    cant find the software mentioned on the “agregate ” library site listed as the developers site.
    the deescription doesnt match anything found onthe web. no sample images so nope.. pass

    #22573528 Reply | Quote

    I hve just tried to get this download and I am getting this notice:

    Comics Graphics Toolkit has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. Please contact us if you need assistance.

    What is going on?

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Reply To: Comics Graphics Toolkit / Aug 2 2024