Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Connectivity Fixer PRO / Jul 21 2020

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  • #16179077 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Connectivity Fixer PRO? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Connectivity Fixer PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with Connectivity Fixer PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #16179180 Reply | Quote

    internet explorer…… only for internet explorer? not recive serial

    #16179694 Reply | Quote

    How long before serial key emailed… still waiting :)

    #16179783 Reply | Quote
    Bitdown Luciano

    Please get the registration fixed for the program provided. It accepts the e-mail address for providing the key, but fails to send any. When re-trying the installation it just says that e-mail has then already been used …
    Very frustrating ….

    #16180059 Reply | Quote

    Dear users,

    All emails are successfully sent to your provided email address.

    Please check your “SPAM”, “JUNK”, “ALLMAIL” folders.

    In case you do not receive an email after applying to your free copy of software you should contact your email service provider and ask for support and a reason why the specific email was hidden / rejected from your inbox.

    Thanks for understanding!

    Badosoft staff

    #16180258 Reply | Quote

    Tried a different email address (a non-microsoft one) and sure enough email arrived but it still begs the question why live/hotmail/outlook would be blocking emails from Badosoft!?

    #16180514 Reply | Quote
    Don H

    FUNKY setup – SoS says this program is preregistered but that is not exactly true – you MUST send your email address to Badosoft to get a Serial Key.

    #16180693 Reply | Quote

    [@Don H]

    Dear Don H,

    If your email being stored in our user database is really bothering you you can always click on unsubscribe inside of the email and the system will without any issues delete your email from our database.


    Unfortunately that issue was never resolved and is out of our patience, you should be able to get an answer from your email service provider.

    #16180912 Reply | Quote

    During installation, COMODO found (2) TrojWare.Win32.Spy.Agent.DC@532441263 and quarantined same.

    Please advise.

    #16181323 Reply | Quote

    To Badosoft staff: I highly doubt all of these users (including myself) are having the same email issues and being the users at fault. Please check for the problem. It would appear to be on your side somewhere.

    Dear users,

    All emails are successfully sent to your provided email address.

    Please check your “SPAM”, “JUNK”, “ALLMAIL” folders.

    In case you do not receive an email after applying to your free copy of software you should contact your email service provider and ask for support and a reason why the specific email was hidden / rejected from your inbox.

    Thanks for understanding!

    Badosoft staff

    #16181511 Reply | Quote

    [@ian] I would guess that happens with some shady software developers that give their software away. It has been said nothing is free. (Some sell your email address, Your registration information, as well as include malware and virus’s that steal your information. (as to harvest and sell)

    #16181579 Reply | Quote
    Max Willber

    Been waiting for a serial from you for over 3 hours to no avail ..
    Really sad … I’m cancelling the installation

    #16181776 Reply | Quote

    I have been trying to install this software for 2 hours now, and it continually says that it is verifying the installation.
    Also my Antivirus says that it contains 2 malwares.
    So I am guessing this software is not going to work on my computer and with 2 malware warnings, I am going to delete it.
    It won’t install at all, so kind of useless.

    #16181852 Reply | Quote

    Since the software here will not install, I went looking for an alternative & found a free one.
    It is called Complete Internet Repair, and I downloaded the Portable version, so it doesn’t have to be installed.
    And it comes up immediately without all the hassle of installation & trying to register it.
    Just giving you an alternative that you can run anytime without having to worry about if your computer crashes,
    then you wouldn’t have this software, but you could have the free one I mentioned.
    Hope that helps.

    #16181954 Reply | Quote
    Skip E

    Unable to proceed past “”Verifying the promotional offer”. Just kept “verifying”.

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Reply To: Reply #16181983 in Connectivity Fixer PRO / Jul 21 2020