Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion CRYPT in the BOX / Apr 17 2021

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  • #17685615 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about CRYPT in the BOX? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than CRYPT in the BOX, post it here! If you know of issues with CRYPT in the BOX, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #17686889 Reply | Quote

    Thanks! nice app.

    #17705410 Reply | Quote

    No Installation possible.
    When you start the Setup you get the following message:
    “The trial period of this covermount-version finished at 6.2020. Do you want to install our 30 day trial alternatively?”
    This is not working, because:
    “ATTENTION: This registration data is only valid for the covermount setup you received from the source as download or DVD! A use for the official setups from our company homepage http://www.abylonsoft.de is not possible! ”

    Great giveaway lol

    #17705416 Reply | Quote

    Whether this program can be used as a portable and installed on a USB device ?

    #17709835 Reply | Quote

    @RICHARD: Thanks for your feedback :-)

    @Myldl: The current setup here at SharewareOnSale can be installed until the end of June 2021. Others seem to have no problem with it. You should also make sure that the setup is downloaded ONLY here at SOS!

    @V.Goranow: Yes, USB installation can be selected during installation. However, a USB stick must be inserted for this.

    #17742217 Reply | Quote

    Today I installed the CRYPT of the BOX program on a flash drive
    / it is adapted for this / and I tried it. If you plan to use it often you should choose a larger USB,
    because the encrypted information is stored there in the form of “crb files”.
    These are professional type files developed by BigOven.com and are difficult to open without the
    appropriate software.

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Reply To: CRYPT in the BOX / Apr 17 2021