Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion CRYPTDRIVE / Apr 17 2022

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  • #19600505 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about CRYPTDRIVE? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than CRYPTDRIVE, post it here! If you know of issues with CRYPTDRIVE, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19603057 Reply | Quote


    #19618611 Reply | Quote

    I’m wondering if Cryptdrive suffers from this problem:

    I’m still using ToolWiz BSafe. It works, it’s fast, it’s easy, but it’s OLD. Problem: if you close the “safe” file or exit the program, while any program is accessing the file as a disk drive, it’s instant blue screen. I’ve never lost anything except any work in progress in other open programs. Windows Explorer, other file managers, antivirus scanners, backup programs, etc. all can cause this without warning.

    Since (I hope) Cryptdrive is much newer, maybe it has way to prevent this problem.

    I also wonder if it allows more than one encrypted drive to be open at the same time (BSafe does).

    #19628497 Reply | Quote

    [@Mr.Dave] Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Bitdefender antivirus did NOT like this giveaway. Quarantined 9 different files in the setup process, said the threat was Atc4.Detection. I don’t have time to figure out if this a Bitdefender issue, or Abylonsoft, or SOS. Maybe Abylonsoft requires some deep system integration to run — if they could explain that here I might be ok with this. For now, I hope I can undo any damage it may have done to my system.

    From now on, anything from SOS only gets run with Shadowdefender active. Since that requires a reboot to get back to normal, plus time to start and restore previous state of the PC, it’s not going to get done very often, likely ONLY for updates to software I’ve already used and trust. I feel sorry for any new developers; it must be very hard to get accepted in the corrupt world we live in.

    I exchanged several emails with a company that’s been around for years, and I like their products, and you have likely heard of them since they offer products here once in a while. They explained some of the payoffs to various “certification” services that, if not paid, cause their program to get black listed by many of the big antivirus companies. So it’s no longer enough to have a good product, you need a large sum of money to get noticed (like music, politics, automotive suppliers, and probably everything else).

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Reply To: CRYPTDRIVE / Apr 17 2022