Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Driver Techie Pro / Dec 29 2022

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  • #20643804 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Driver Techie Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Driver Techie Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with Driver Techie Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #20644284 Reply | Quote

    invlid cdkey whit driver techi pro

    #20645015 Reply | Quote
    rod garty

    cannot enter activation key as screen is clipped and no room to enter key

    #20645999 Reply | Quote

    True that this PRO version is only good for 60 days?!?

    Starting to doubt the alleged ‘inside running’ sharewareonsale USED to provide

    #20646654 Reply | Quote


    #20646667 Reply | Quote

    Invalid license key!

    #20647581 Reply | Quote


    #20648860 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    2022-12-29 – Reviewing DriverTechie v1.0.1.8 on Windows 7×64 Pro Dell 2400MHz Zenon 16GB ram

    1 – popped up a message that a Windows KB3033929 update was missing, so ‘driver may fail to install’ . . . but provides no way to get the update. So we have to manually get some needed updates. ( See https :// technet. microsoft. com/en-us/library/security/3033929 to explore Microsoft’s presentation ) I installed the update, the message still popped u, maybe I have to reboot and try again.

    2 – there’s a fan-icon in the upper right corner, no explanation, clicking on it does nothing.

    3 – the screen is not resizable, so our HUGE modern screen area is a waste, according to DriverTechie programmers – maybe all they own are little tiny 80-character-across by 24-lines-down monochrome screens from the 1980s?

    4 – we cannot change the backup directory – and does not say what will go there, are the backups usable by Windows as native copies of prior drivers? Who knows? Note, it says “backuping’ when it is backing up. Translation? It saved 383 megabytes across 132 randomly labeled directories under C:\Users\…user…\AppData\Roaming\Techieware\DriverTechie\backup\ – what a mess, in order for Windows to use it, we have to keep all 383 megabytes together to be scanned in total, there’s no easy way to separate out one driver from another, for example, what is the driver in …\11\3\i386&\amd64 ?!? Instead, maybe make our own backups, FREE Glary Utilities has a nice “driver backup in native form” feature, and we can direct it to the directory of our choice.

    5 – It does not seem to make a restore point before making changes, so we need to manually make our own restore points first and between any critical changes.

    6 – VirusTotal says no hits, but . . . it uses Google Analytics on us, plus it matches rule FILE tracking GIF (1×1 pixel) from Suricata, sample has functionality to log and monitor keystrokes, analyze it with the keystroke simulation cookbook
    Installs a raw input device (often for capturing keystrokes). Reads the hosts file ( why? ).

    7 – does not compare current drivers versus it’s recommended updates.

    For me, this does not distinguish itself, so compare to FREE and FOR-FEE alternatives and of course, start with drivers directly from the original hardware manufacturers.

    Thanks for letting us explore this and sharing.

    #20653568 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded, installed and registered OK but only have 60 days access to PRO version!
    I contacted the programmers who assured me that they gave SharewareOnSale a 6-month access code. Can you confirm this please?
    The program updated my drivers and backed them up, but I was unable to choose the destination drive or folder.

    #20657362 Reply | Quote
    Walter Mingle

    after downloading and running program Driver Tech, went to program clicked on get pro and can find nowhere to insert registration number. Want me to pay for pro version. Thought it was free to use.

    #20660452 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded, did not get lic. key. Kept coming back to screen but still not available…..Thought I would try this out – but if they can’t even get their website offer to work????? Not impressed. If you can’t get it right – just don’t do it!

    #20670876 Reply | Quote


    #20674698 Reply | Quote
    mahdi mansor

    driver techie pro

    #20695236 Reply | Quote

    can i have the key please

    #21705941 Reply | Quote


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Reply To: Driver Techie Pro / Dec 29 2022