Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player / Mar 19 2022

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  • #19465962 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player, post it here! If you know of issues with DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19467948 Reply | Quote

    It says wrong serial number.

    #19468833 Reply | Quote
    Rick C

    Broken. Installer runs but it’s not on the PC anywhere. Not temp, not program files, nor program files (86). I see it in the start menu but it doesn’t know where the program is either and offers me to locate it. At this point, I’m not even sure its own uninstaller would work.

    #19469667 Reply | Quote

    Tried Fab’s original player when it first came out, quite some time ago. Did not like it at all. Semi-recall that it may have been difficult to uninstall ? So, I’ll need some better testimonial reports before venturing to try this one.

    #19469926 Reply | Quote
    Rik Latour


    I have been trying to enter the provided serial key: OILL8T4Q9WSFse | for the DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player available on SHARWAREONSALE.COM. I had no issues downloading the actual software, but when I entered the serial key listed above, I receive a message that the serial code is incorrect. Right now, I have the software, but I have no way of activating it to the full version.

    Please check on this issue and let me know what I can do to resolve this problem. Perhaps you can issue me another key that will work? Thank you for your time.


    Rik Latour

    #19470430 Reply | Quote
    Mare M.

    Is not working. Wrong serial number. Have tried twice today.

    #19471112 Reply | Quote

    [@Rick C]

    yes not working says …invalid key VR3TKM7TSP1K

    #19471728 Reply | Quote

    This is a nightmare trying to get it all to work. The program can’t even place a proper shortcut to the program on installation. Do NOT download this junk. Save yourself all three registration steps and forget this program. If you’re fed up by step 2 or even 3, just uninstall. Save yourself.

    #19471732 Reply | Quote

    That’s if you are able to uninstall. Trying to uninstall it gives an error. We are stuck with this junk.

    #19472434 Reply | Quote
    John walker

    Have tried and tried will not6 accept code broken installer just crap

    #19477893 Reply | Quote
    John A.

    I have been trying to enter the provided serial key: 3AAE9FQ4KFQK| for the DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player available on SHARWAREONSALE.COM. I had no issues downloading the actual software, but when I entered the serial key listed above, I receive a message that the serial code is incorrect. Right now, I have the software, but I have no way of activating it to the full version.

    Please check on this issue and let me know what I can do to resolve this problem. Perhaps you can issue me another key that will work? Thank you for your time.

    This registration is to DIFFICULT. Going to uninstall.

    #19485718 Reply | Quote
    hesham hassan

    Hello All

    The program after installing it on the device does not work and reports a shortage >

    #19514809 Reply | Quote

    That is the dumbest registration possible. The author should be castrazted.

    #19515125 Reply | Quote
    SSD Computers

    I had this installed and up and running in less than 5 mins. Be sure to use the right installer for your OS, 32 nit or 64 bit does matter. If you choose the wrong one it will not install and flash out. IOt also does a scan to be sure your machine meets min. requirements, if not it won’t install. There are 2 hoops to jump through but not an issue. An $80 program for a free year, Awesome!! TY DVD=Fab

    #19515140 Reply | Quote
    SSD Computers

    System Requirements

    ★ Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 (32/64 bit)
    ★ Intel i3 or above
    ★ 4GB of RAM or above
    ★ 40GB of free hard disk space or above
    ★ Live Internet connection required

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Reply To: DVDFab PlayerFab Ultra HD Player / Mar 19 2022