Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition / Dec 5 2016

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  • #6398547 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition, post it here! If you know of issues with DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #6399551 Reply | Quote
    Vlado Sliskovic

    This code is not valid because is not free it is only discount of 50 euros.
    Can you send me the promo code that is 100% free.

    #6401447 Reply | Quote

    Hi, This code is not valid because is not free it is only discount of 50 euros. Can you send me the promo code that is 100% free.

    yes! the code doesn’t work for 100% discount!


    #6402488 Reply | Quote

    Not receive license code from DxO company for several hours even though I try again.

    #6403262 Reply | Quote
    Dave Adkin

    Hi guys, code does not fit registration box. Also what version have I got Elite or pro ? on Either download it states pro.

    #6403622 Reply | Quote
    Dave Adkin

    Hi Guys, Have received second email with correct code, sorted.
    still not sure which version that I have although this one will do.
    Great freebie, Thanks to ashraf and team.

    #6403803 Reply | Quote
    Nick H

    [ @Ashraf] Please, please, please stop forcing the not fit for purpose SOS download hub on users of this site. This download is 334Mbs in size, the hub waited until the last Mb to inform me that the download had failed. That is not the worst of it, the download took 2 and a half hours on a decent connection! It is like reliving dial-connection experiences from the last century. The subsequent manual download completed quickly. I was doing other online activities, not heavy downloading, while the hub was screwing things up without any obvious slow speeds. I’ve fed back previously that the hub seriously puts the breaks on downloading, it was very obviously the hub that was the problem today, again.

    I’ve asked repeatedly on this site for this useless piece of **** that the hub is to be killed off. Each time that I’ve tried to download a larger piece of software the hub fails, badly, it is never early on in the download, it is always near the end as was the case again today, nor does it seem to fail if the download is less than 10 Mbs.

    Thanks for the offer of the DxO program, but no thanks at all for wasting my time with the hub. Kill it of please. It is only good as a wind-up!

    On a positive note! I don’t know what the problems mentioned above about registering the software are, I got the code by email and activated the software without a problem. It is a shame that it took over 3 hours between initiating the download and actually using the program, thanks to the download hub.

    Another negative experience – the reCAPTCHA is messing around again. It didn’t show initially, then it appeared after it had stripped out my comment, name and email address. I’ve learned to backup my comments from previous experiences with the reCAPTCHA so I only had to c&p the comment again. I’m seriously thinking about avoiding SOS, some good offers, but……..!

    [ @Ashraf]

    #6405610 Reply | Quote
    Billy Dalton

    Thank you for letting us try your product at no cost this holiday season. Starting to like, may have to buy next year!

    #6406097 Reply | Quote

    “Not only will it possible to install it on Windows Vista through Windows 8.1, as well as on Mac OS.” Does it not work on Win10?

    #6407964 Reply | Quote
    Jim Schneider

    I have downloaded and installed this 3 times. Tried installing it as Admin too. It appears to have installed OK but it will not open. My PC is Windows 10 home 64 bit. I also tried starting it in compatibility mode for Windows 8. No luck there either. Have wasted 2 hours on it.

    #6408521 Reply | Quote

    sorry,it didn’t give me the code for mac TT
    how do i do?

    #6408937 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded and installed flawless. Crashing within Windows 10. Working in comptability W8 mode. Thank you, Ashraf

    #6409200 Reply | Quote
    Assraft Da Nigger

    WELL ASSRAFT ya did it again and oh look it’s a fire sale with only 71 days left to get this piece of shit. “WE” use phones now to take pictures and this garbage won’t work with it. Then after the over 300 meg of garbge file, you have to go register and give them your email addy.
    No local-brush editing tools. Few workflow tools. Using highest noise-reduction setting can take minutes for large raw images. Some newer cameras not supported. Not to mention the reregistration code does not work. Hey ASSRAFT why don’t you run for President. FUCK YOUR FORM BOARD ERROR TOO.

    #6409225 Reply | Quote
    Assraft Da Nigger

    [@Jim Schneider] Of course you have, Assraft change the site name to SHITWARE-on-sale.

    #6409604 Reply | Quote

    Sorry Guys,
    But this software DxO Optics Pro 9 is downloaded en installed with NO PROBLEMS.
    The program works 100%.

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