Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than EasySpeech2Text PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with EasySpeech2Text PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
I installed this (was very slow on installation), entered the license key and loaded my own mp3 file.
Guess what?
The program crashed.
So I tried another mp3 file – same results.
Uninstalled because it is useless.
Surly going to uninstall. Very complicated with the requirement for “Google API Json”.
I’ve lost the last one hour trying to make any use of it but for nothing.
Yes, I have something to say.
I warn anybody against using software when the company is known for malicious acts.
Symantec gave a fierce red warning against calling up the site of that company.
@Ashraf, sorry, but these days things ain’t what they used to be with your offers.
1) Install took a long while
2) Clicked the “more settings icon”
3) Got the pop-up saying “You have CHOOSED the TTS or STT Mode powered by Google”
4) I clicked the “Create My Own Google API” and learned: Recognize your audio files for more than 12,500 minutes by Google Speech-to-Text API. UH beyond that … it would be pricey.
5) Decided it’s not worth it …. uninstalled EasySpeech2Text(NOT)free