Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › FlashBoot Pro / May 12 2024
- This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
J Stamp.
KeymasterHave something to say about FlashBoot Pro? Say it here!
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Guestno reg key?
Guest“In it, you must click REGISTER this software. Make sure your USB device is already plugged in. Select your USB device when prompted, click OK.”
Looks like it cannot be installed on a computer, but only in an USB flashdrive ?
I’ll pass.
GuestHow large (in GB) should be the USB device in order to “swallow” the FlashBoot software and the system (Windows 10)?
greg b
Guestuse a 32 GB or larger USB bigger the better as it saves clone on it. I used 8gb so to small. you get a registration lic in your email. I do not like having to select files to clone and then save to usb put the program on. afraid to leave out something or keep to much.
guess have to start over with a new email and a bigger usb drive.
GuestI guess the usb device should be the size of your hard drive, in order to store the clone of system, apps and data. What about the update of this clone because if you have to use it in 2 years to restore your system, soft and data, without update, it wouldn’t be very useful to restore a 2 years old PC.
GuestThanks to all who answered question of mine and other related responses.
My last question: am I right to assume that all files previously saved on the USB device before FlashBoot is installed on it, will be removed in the installation process?
GuestThe install doesn’t offer to register anywhere
GuestThere were good questions. I checked the user manual on their website, but didn’t find an answer to the big question: size of USB flash drive relative to disk to be cloned. Here is the interaction with their tech support, which was very quick. I’m writing while there is still 6 days to install after ordering your $100+/1TB USB flash drive.
Me: “How large a USB flash drive is required? My Windows C: drive is the whole of my 1TB SSD. It is 75% full, i.e., about 750GB. When doing a backup which clones the whole disk with another program the file produced is almost 600GB.
You say that my whole system will be cloned to the USB flash drive. Does that mean I need a 1TB USB flash drive? Can an external USB SSD or hard drive be used? Can a small USB flash drive be used for Flashboot and save data to a second external device to be read by Flashboot when booting and/or restoring?”
Flashboot_Support: ” Free space on drive C: does not take space on the cloned USB storage device, so 750GB will be definitely enough.
Further optimization depends on the type of clone: if this is an installable clone, it is always compressed. Average compression ratio is about 55%, 0.55*750GB = 412GB. That’s on average, actual ratio for your case depends on the amount of uncompressible data (like video/audio), 600GB corresponds to compression ratio of 80% (I’d call that realistic estimation for worst case). Anyway, if it does not fit, you can set an option in FlashBoot Pro to skip some files or folders during cloning (e.g. a specific folder or a few folders with large amount of uncompressible data).
Bootable clones, in theory, can be compressed too, but they work better uncompressed. Compressed bootable clones sometimes throw INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE BSoD at boot time if cloned WIM file contains too many small internal files and amount of RAM is not sufficient to store the index. Uncompressed bootable clones are not affected by this problem. So for bootable clones USB capacity requirement is higher. 750GB if you don’t want to skip any data when making a bootable clone. Again, if it doesn’t fit, there’s always option to skip something not strictly necessary for bootable OS on a USB storage device (e.g. a large video archive).Other types of USB storage devices besides USB thumbdrives are fine for FlashBoot. USB-SSD, USB-HDD, USB converter to MicroSD card — everything will do.
Regarding splitting of FlashBoot-related code (Windows reinstaller) on a bootable USB storage device and cloned WIM data on a separate non-bootble USB storage device: with FlashBoot, this is not possible. But overhead is negligible: for bootable clones, there is no overhead at all (no Windows reinstaller); and for installable clones overhead of Windows reinstaller is 0.2-0.5 GB depending on Windows version (0.2 Gb for Windows 7 and 0.5 Gb for Windows 11).”
Peter Blaise
GuestHELLO, it’s a FLASH BOOT program, a program that teaches a FLASH DRIVE to boot Windows.
And this giveaway of the ‘pro’ version is ‘limited’ to working on only ONE flash drive, hence it asks for ONE flash drive to connect with the giveaway license.
The program goes on any number of computers, no limit.
Wherever this program is installed, it can build that ONE licensed flash drive to backup/clone/boot that computer’s Windows.
So, apparently, we can wipe and reuse the same ONE ‘licensed’ flash drive over and over to backup/clone different computers forever, no limit
Create an installable clone of Windows on the USB thumb drive
Create a bootable clone of Windows 8.1/10 on the USB thumb drive
Install Windows 7 on a New Laptop or New PC
Install full-featured Windows 8/8.1/10 to the USB thumb drive
Save/restore USB thumb drive to/from image file
Convert WindowsXP or BartPE to the bootable USB thumb driveThe Special Edition is fully functional and contains all the features of FlashBoot Pro.
The Special Edition is not bound to a computer ID, the same as the Standard Edition. You can install it on multiple computers if necessary.
USB devices formatted by Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro are not time-limited, the same as USB devices formatted by Standard Edition
The Pro features of the Special Edition are tied to a single USB storage device, the one with which you are registering your copy of the software via the installation form.
The Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro is eternal, it does not expire, the same as the Standard Edition.
If we LIKE it, and decide to buy our own unlimited copy of FlashBoot Pro, then that separate purchase will have features and benefits beyond this version, such as using a variety of different USB flash drives or USB-attached HDD/SSD drives with which to backup/clone any number of our Windows computers.
Good deal.
Let’s actually check it out and tell each other how it works.
Thanks, Ashraf.
Peter Green
GuestI am currently evaluating Flashboot Pro ver 3.3q which I obtained from SharewareonSale. I have tried to make a Windows 10 64 bit UEFI Bootable USB stick three times now and each time it throws up an error at the end. The USB stick appears to have the files from my HDD C: drive but it won’t boot from there, presumably because of the errors encountered during the backup process. I see there is no technical support for this giveaway so I shall probably uninstall it unless someonecan advise me how to get it working.
Peter Green
GuestI am currently evaluating Flashboot Pro ver 3.3q which I obtained from SharewareonSale. I have tried to make a Windows 10 64 bit UEFI Bootable USB stick three times now and each time it throws up an error at the end. The USB stick appears to have the files from my HDD C: drive but it won’t boot from there, presumably because of the errors encountered during the backup process. I see there is no technical support for this giveaway so I shall probably uninstall it unless someonecan advise me how to get it working.
J Stamp
Guest[@Peter Green] First, there is a user manual on their website. The website is on the SOS offer page. Perhaps what you need is in there. Second, I found that their support was helpful, using the email address on their website. Give it a try.
J Stamp
GuestI purchased large (1TB) flash drives to try this as it sounded useful. Windows 10 machine with 700 GB fill on a 1TB SSD, Intel i7. Took over 24 hours and eventually went to 0% CPU utilization and simply hung. Did not produce a result. Major Fail. Windows 11 machine with about 200GB fill on a 1TB SSD. Again Intel i7. Again hung. Also gave message of missing other drive letter. ??. After several hours of no progress cancelled. Major Fail. Manual gives no help on this.