Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than FOCUS Projects 3 Professional, post it here! If you know of issues with FOCUS Projects 3 Professional, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
This (version 3.25) looks to be the same version they gave away in 2018 (and maybe 2016 as well) so it is getting a bit old now. The latest version is version 4
I downloaded the program, registered, created user account at Franzis and installed the programme, however, the installer keeps on saying my serial number is wrong. I pasted the user ID and the registration code from Franzis e-mail. Any clues why the number I got from Franzis doesn’t work?
You use the ustomer number and registration code to run the installer, but the serial number is the registration code alone, without the Customer number.
le logiciel est il une version gratuite car prise sur dealabs. Moi cela a marché, j’ai bien reçu les id et registration code. mais je ne sais pas si c’est une version gratuite tout le temps où si c’est une version payante après une periode d’essaie.
I do not understand the instructions. What can I do after I download? I do not see any way to install it nor to run it after I would install. Please help.