Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Glary Utilities PRO / Jun 10 2023

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  • #21260951 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Glary Utilities PRO? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Glary Utilities PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with Glary Utilities PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21261110 Reply | Quote


    #21263889 Reply | Quote

    Sweet. Glary Utilities is the best-balanced maintenance application that I have tested. Easy on system resources, a complete toolbox, and thorough in performance. Installed without issue, and uncomplicated registration process by managing the license. I did not allow Glary to “clean” my registry, because the online consensus seems to be that no registry-tinkering is necessary or beneficial in modern systems. That required a single click to uncheck the “clean registry” option box, and it was good to go.

    #21264551 Reply | Quote

    Why did you not indicate that it was a one year offer?

    #21265020 Reply | Quote

    You mean like this,
    Terms and Conditions
    This is a 3-computer 1-year license, for noncommercial use

    #21265095 Reply | Quote
    James Paulus

    Glary Utilities will not start. Ends with error “side by side configuration is incorrect”. Unable to use the application. HELP!

    #21265411 Reply | Quote

    hi folks – I have benefited from a free version before … with no trouble. Had to uninstall this version of Pro because registration was not possible – “activate now” and “refresh” were nowhere to be found?! I’m not complaining (it’s a freebie) just disappointed. Maybe next time.

    #21266139 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf] The checkout site / process doesn’t seem to be working for Glary’s?

    #21268617 Reply | Quote

    System Utilities, such as Glary, get mixed reviews in the tech press, with a consensus that they either make only marginal improvements; and/or can be duplicated by built-in OS (Win) utilities; and/or are capable of doing considerable Damage if not careful.

    That said, Glary is at least a “known” product which organizes a number of Tools in reasonably easy to find menus, and this is a nice giveaway.

    The Software Update tool is worth running, especially if you have apps that are not frequently ran, and which otherwise do not report the availability of an update. At first run, Glary (5.2) found 3 Updates: Calibre, WinOptimizer (!), and GeForce Experience. It correctly identified the GeForce version, but was 1 off on Calibre (it offered 6.19 instead of 6.20 – which admittedly had only been released 2 days prior). The WinOpt install was a Trial, which I had forgotten about, so the “udpate” notice was still useful.

    #21707786 Reply | Quote

    It is a excellent software

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Reply To: Glary Utilities PRO / Jun 10 2023