Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion HistogramPlus / Feb 14 2016

  • This topic has 26 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by jdkoops.
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  • #4298458 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about HistogramPlus? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than HistogramPlus, post it here! If you know of issues with HistogramPlus, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #4299721 Reply | Quote
    Spam Sorenson

    I got a runtime error 58 file not found.

    Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
    Call AddToCellMenu
    End Sub

    Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
    Call DeleteFromCellMenu
    End Sub
    Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    On Error Resume Next

    Application.OnTime Dtime, “Refresh”, , False

    If Not Me.Saved Then
    If MsgBox(“Do you want to save ” & Me.Name, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    ‘Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib “shell32.dll” Alias “ShellExecuteA” _
    ‘ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _
    ‘ ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long _
    ‘ ) As Long

    Sub HistogramCM(control As IRibbonControl)
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /1002”, 1)
    End Sub

    Sub Help(control As IRibbonControl)
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /1003”, 1)
    ‘ ShellExecute 0, “Open”, “http://www.metrics-institute.com/avibenita/OneClick-Pareto/P+-web/index.html#”, “”, “”, 1
    End Sub
    Sub Aabout(control As IRibbonControl)
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /612”, 1)
    End Sub
    Sub ContactUs(control As IRibbonControl)
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /613”, 1)
    End Sub
    Sub Order(control As IRibbonControl)
    On Error Resume Next
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /614”, 1)
    End Sub

    #4299933 Reply | Quote

    I am getting a runtime error “53”.

    #4300148 Reply | Quote
    Flash Gordon

    This application doesn’t appear to play well with Win10 (64bit)/ Office 2016 Excel(64bit).
    “Microsoft Visual Basic
    Run-time error ’53’:
    File not found”
    Options offered:
    Continue (greyed out) – End – Debug – Help

    #4300184 Reply | Quote
    Flash Gordon

    Just an add-on to my previous post:
    This is what appears to be the issue for error ’53’.
    Sub HistogramCM(control As IRibbonControl)
    RetVal = Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & “\HistogramPlus\HistogramPlus.exe /1002”, 1)
    End Sub

    #4300795 Reply | Quote
    Dan Lauber

    [ @Ashraf] Norton Internet Security is reporting the file as infected with WSReputation. While I’m sure this is an erroneous identification, folks here should be aware of this and the manufacturer might want to get in touch with Norton to correct this error.

    #4300973 Reply | Quote

    Many problems:
    1. Got a virus warning at setup (Bitdefender) but assumed it false and run thru the installation.
    2. Error 53 at a any try to run.
    3. Uninstalled and try a new download and install. This time the password did not work, no install.
    4. Downloaded and installed trialversion from webbpage, it worked but have limitations.

    I have Win 10 64bit and Office 2010.

    #4301209 Reply | Quote

    I was able to get around the error by copy the file HistogramPlus-S.exe from this location (Win7 using MS Office Professional 2010 32-bit):
    and then renamed HistogramPlus-S.exe to HistogramPlus.exe (removed -S from filename).

    Seems to work ok. Note that the add-in does add conditional formatting to the original data cells. Recommend to copy your data to a new spreadsheet and do some tests runs.

    Hope this helps some users and perhaps the company supplying the addin.

    #4301812 Reply | Quote

    [@Paul] Thanks, Paul. This worked for me, too. Nice debugging. :)

    #4302266 Reply | Quote

    I was able to get around the error by copy the file HistogramPlus-S.exe from this location (Win7 using MS Office Professional 2010 32-bit): E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus-S\ to E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus\ and then renamed HistogramPlus-S.exe to HistogramPlus.exe (removed -S from filename).
    Seems to work ok. Note that the add-in does add conditional formatting to the original data cells. Recommend to copy your data to a new spreadsheet and do some tests runs.
    Hope this helps some users and perhaps the company supplying the addin.

    Does not work here. I have Excel 2013 x32, windows 7 64Bit. Still error 53 file not found message. Hwever at least “about” now works, what a crappy installer.

    #4302348 Reply | Quote

    [@Dan Lauber] While I can’t speak for the quality of the program and install errors people are getting (that is only something the dev can help with), we did scan the file with VT and it comes back clean as per VT: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/57b72572961d55ac6050a8f5a6a32d43c99aed60a1dd8db6fd170fdd5ea93edc/analysis/1455497215/

    #4302464 Reply | Quote

    I was able to get around the error by copy the file HistogramPlus-S.exe from this location (Win7 using MS Office Professional 2010 32-bit): E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus-S\ to E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus\ and then renamed HistogramPlus-S.exe to HistogramPlus.exe (removed -S from filename). Seems to work ok. Note that the add-in does add conditional formatting to the original data cells. Recommend to copy your data to a new spreadsheet and do some tests runs. Hope this helps some users and perhaps the company supplying the addin.

    Does not work here. I have Excel 2013 x32, windows 7 64Bit. Still error 53 file not found message. Hwever at least “about” now works, what a crappy installer.

    Ok. Seems to be due a missing dna.dll, which seems to be from kagi for registration of this thingy.

    I wonder how anyone could get it to run.

    #4302479 Reply | Quote

    I was able to get around the error by copy the file HistogramPlus-S.exe from this location (Win7 using MS Office Professional 2010 32-bit): E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus-S\ to E:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\HistogramPlus\ and then renamed HistogramPlus-S.exe to HistogramPlus.exe (removed -S from filename). Seems to work ok. Note that the add-in does add conditional formatting to the original data cells. Recommend to copy your data to a new spreadsheet and do some tests runs. Hope this helps some users and perhaps the company supplying the addin.

    Does not work here. I have Excel 2013 x32, windows 7 64Bit. Still error 53 file not found message. Hwever at least “about” now works, what a crappy installer.

    Ok. Seems to be due a missing dna.dll, which seems to be from kagi for registration of this thingy.
    I wonder how anyone could get it to run.

    Wow, never ending. I managed to get the DNA.DLL from softworkz. Now it starts. But it also aks for acvtivation.

    #4302714 Reply | Quote

    [@JMJsquared] Thanks for the suggestion but did NOT work on my Vista/64 bit OFFICE 2010/32 bit.

    #4302720 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf]
    Ashraf — didn’t you get the ‘error 53’ problem as well when you tested it?

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Reply To: HistogramPlus / Feb 14 2016