Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion HitFilm Express 2021 / Mar 23 2021

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  • #17488118 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about HitFilm Express 2021? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than HitFilm Express 2021, post it here! If you know of issues with HitFilm Express 2021, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #17488812 Reply | Quote


    I can’t run the program, how do I fix it, please? I would still like to activate a sharewareonsale license.
    The program cannot start because the OpenCL.dll is missing on the computer. Try reinstalling the program to resolve this problem.

    #17490898 Reply | Quote

    I downloaded HITFILM EXPRESS 2021, installed the app on my computer. I tried to register the application twice, but the letter with the registration code did not come.
    I have an account on the developer’s website.

    #17491242 Reply | Quote

    Error when starting the program 0xc000007b

    #17491287 Reply | Quote

    Same here.

    The youtube tutorial on fixing this error has not helped to solve this error.
    Does anyone know how to fix it?
    Your advice would be much appreciated.

    #17493551 Reply | Quote

    Where to find ‘my registered account’ that you are saying.

    #17493798 Reply | Quote

    There is no serial code provided for this software anywhere – please make one and add it to the download page.

    #17500455 Reply | Quote
    Krzysztof K.

    is it not a freeware version for everyday use?

    #17500704 Reply | Quote

    Followed instructions, no problems. Win 10/64, 16BG, with Opera browser, Bitdefender antivirus.

    From the registration form page, I logged in to FX Home’s site. An “Install Instructions” page was displayed. This page provided a serial number (wasn’t needed) and a download link. The file downloaded from this link is identical to the one downloaded from SOS site (I compared SHA-256 checksums). I already had an account, so it may be different if you’re a first-time user. I first uninstalled the previous version from 2016, as directed in the Install Instructions.

    One thing to note, this program appears to be free at any time on their site so the $149 price quoted in the SOS page is a bit misleading.

    The free version has a lot of capabilities. Of course, there’s an option to pay to get additional features — all the good stuff! The good news is you don’t need to pay $149 to upgrade, you simply buy the individual tools you need, when you need them. Cost is not too bad right now while they’re all on sale.

    Looks like it will be good, even if interface is more complex than other video editors I’ve tried. There are tutorials on their site that should help with the learning curve.

    #17501350 Reply | Quote
    Ioan Nicolae Bîtea

    I got the 2021.1 version from SharewareOnSale. I have an FXhome account, I had to reset my password and now when I try to unlock & activate the software, I am asked to provide a licence key – which I have not received or been given ! Does this mean that I have to uninstall the software?

    #17508815 Reply | Quote
    Krzysztof K.

    [@Ioan Nicolae Bîtea] go to your account and the key will be there. like what, repeat the download process and then you will find the key below

    #17509450 Reply | Quote

    Alright, here’s what I’ve concluded from this giveaway: It is not worth $149 as it claims.

    This software is indeed the free version with no Add-Ons whatsoever; in fact, I even went as far as contacting the developer of HitFilm Express asking about this giveaway.

    Here is their reply regarding this: “While this was not an official giveaway from FXhome, I’ve gone ahead and made you a license that you can use to activate the software.”

    This license is the free license that you can obtain by going to their website – it does not include any Add-Ons as I stated earlier; theoretically, this giveaway should be giving everyone a Serial Code for either $149 worth of Add-Ons or the Content Creator or VFX Artist Add-On pack (which even then would not amount to exactly $149).

    Honestly, I’m disappointed in this giveaway – furthermore, nothing on FXhome’s website page dedicated to HitFilm Express says anything about the software being worth $149 being available to download for free. Heck, even their paid software – HitFilm Pro – costs $349 without discounts and $245 at a minimum.

    Speaking of which, I hope there will be a HitFilm Pro 2021 giveaway in the near future – I tried HitFilm Express and it’s fine, but I need some Add-Ons to make it more fitting for my editing. At least with HitFilm Pro, Add-Ons will not be a problem – one Serial Code unlocks everything.

    #17775664 Reply | Quote

    I can’t activate it. it is running in demo mode and when I click on activate now it says to enter a serial code but I have none. nothing in my email or spam.

    #18946204 Reply | Quote
    Dave Anderton

    Just given the runaround – no code sent. Gave up. Will not be even trying Hitfilm Express in the future.

    #19006985 Reply | Quote
    Jerry Sindo Garcia

    Thank you, now I can test this software.

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Reply To: Reply #17509450 in HitFilm Express 2021 / Mar 23 2021