Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Iris Mini Pro / Sep 13 2016

  • This topic has 26 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Guido76.
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  • #5719534 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Iris Mini Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Iris Mini Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with Iris Mini Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #5720194 Reply | Quote
    Steph Robert

    It is written that Iris Mini pro is compatible with “Windows” but it’s impossible to install it under Windows Xp 32bits

    Error msg : Entry point of Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection procedure not found in Kernel32.dll


    #5720672 Reply | Quote

    Does not work. It tells that they key is registered on a different machine. They generated just 1 SN and it works with just one copy of the program

    #5721545 Reply | Quote
    Paul Thompson

    The link says it’s for 9-12-2016. Today is 9-13-2016. I get this!

    Not Found

    The requested URL /files/hub/dottech.org/(Windows) SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_Sep-12-2016_Iris_Mini_Pro_hub.exe was not found on this server.

    #5722633 Reply | Quote
    Ross Judd

    It claims that I have used this key on another machine, I have not. I just installed it for the fist time now!

    #5722752 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    ‘You have already used this code on another machine’

    Otherwise, interesting tease, I’m curious to see, so to speak, what Iris is all about …

    … while waiting for a fix to engage the pro features …

    … including HIDDEN features, whatever those might be …

    … I suppose if they are HIDDEN they can be anything, including making us rich and famous, of course, just hidden rich and famous! ;-)

    #5723054 Reply | Quote

    I couldn’t install Iris because I don’t know where I have to put it once I have unzipped it.
    Could someone help me?

    #5723512 Reply | Quote

    “You have already used this code on another machine”

    #5723848 Reply | Quote
    Ron Cavin

    [ @Ashraf]
    The last SOS software I downloaded a few days ago had registration issues; today’s software, Iris, has registration issues.
    I wrote twice on the first issue, and once more today on the Iris issue, but my posts are not appearing. WHY? Some answers would be very much appreciated.

    #5724143 Reply | Quote
    Harv S

    Am getting same results when trying to activate the pro version “You have already used this code on another machine” ! Will a fix be available by the developer?

    #5725031 Reply | Quote

    @Everyone having problems: I talked to the developer and he confirmed there is no problem with the license key — it is working. He recommends trying to register multiple times if you get the error message. Can someone please confirm that they retried it?

    #5725053 Reply | Quote

    I didn’t have any problems with the registration about 40 minutes ago. I really like this program. I use my computer a lot and tend to get headaches after using it for many hours. I didn’t feel any tension but now when I switch from normal brightness to the program’s reduced brightness I feel the muscles around my eyes relaxing. So I think there was some tension around my eye muscles that I was not aware of when using full brightness. 3400K/100% seems to work well for me.

    #5725062 Reply | Quote
    Barry W

    Registration worked this time – thanks!!

    #5725336 Reply | Quote
    Daniel Georgiev

    My name is Daniel. I’m the creator of Iris.

    Yes if you get
    “You have already used this code on another machine”

    This was a problem with the random generation of activation codes. I fixed it like 10 minutes ago. Sorry about this. My bad.
    Just close and reopen Iris mini and it should work fine.

    The giveaway is not fake. Iris is not big company. It’s one man project. Please respect my work.

    About the hidden features

    Iris mini


    #5725453 Reply | Quote

    [@Paul Thompson] Fixed, please try now.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)
Reply To: Reply #5725466 in Iris Mini Pro / Sep 13 2016