Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Luminar 3 / Apr 26 2020

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  • #15424580 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Luminar 3? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Luminar 3, post it here! If you know of issues with Luminar 3, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #15427959 Reply | Quote
    Barry Williams

    Installation stops at 28% and gives a failure message

    #15428019 Reply | Quote

    [@Barry Williams] Mine paused at 28% for quite a while, but then resumed and installed successfully. Are you sure your PC is 64 bit?

    #15428197 Reply | Quote

    Mi antivirus me dice que hay un troyano en la descarga. Y a no se si instalarlo o no.

    #15428296 Reply | Quote

    Had the same problem downloading, but eventually succeeded. However unable to register, there appears to be no ACTIVATE option under FILE, as indicated by the instructions.

    #15428602 Reply | Quote

    Not installed. For skylum, this is normal. They ask to contact technical support, but it is not available for free distribution. I have long wanted to buy Luminar 4, but changed my mind.

    #15428614 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Requires OpenGL 3.3, so my “older” ( fully functional and happy ) video cards may not display this program and or any of it’s features ( even though I do lots of editing and tweaking on digital image files on these “older” computers just fine, thank you very much! ).

    For a tool to check your own video card, see

    [ https ://www. realtech-vr. com/home/glview ]

    Note, the OpenGL checking program above from RealTech-VR has hits at VirusTotal, as many chip-checking programs do, but seems okay for me.

    I’d love to review this program – do they have a version for older chips, or a version that is designed to does not depend on things they cannot control?

    #15428733 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    They’re up to Luminar v4 now, so this older Luminar v3 is a gift, but any feedback may be wasted because the vendor has moved on ( hey, if they are giving away old versions, can I at least TRY a version that works on OpenGLv2 video cards?!? ).

    To read and explore and recommend and ask questions and read other folk’s problems and resolutions, browse and search here:

    [ https ://community. skylum. com/hc/en-us/community/topics ]
    [ https ://community. skylum. com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360000143112-Luminar-for-Windows ]

    Good luck.

    #15428935 Reply | Quote

    Cannot activate. Could not about a month ago when this was offered, and still cannot. Why keep offering something broken?

    #15429182 Reply | Quote
    Ron Cavin

    [ @Ashraf] There is no “File>Activate”. There is no “activate” anywhere in the entire program! Why do you waste our time with this stuff that doesn’t work, can’t even be made operable!

    #15429623 Reply | Quote

    Не активировать программу, так как после установки при запуске отображается всплывающее окно с надписью, что необходимо подключение к интернету. Интернет есть, но программа после закрытия всплывающего окна закрывается.

    #15429816 Reply | Quote

    When you install the program, it shows messages as if I have a problem with the Internet.
    I don ‘t have a problem with the Internet.

    #15429872 Reply | Quote
    Felix Crevat

    Took forever to install. What the heck is it doing for 10 minutes when it doesn’t even search out your photos? That’s a bit suspicious frankly.

    Then it tells me I need to reboot my system to complete installation. Why? What did photo editing software change on my system?

    Then it tells me I need Open GL 3.3 for it to open a photo, but doesn’t bother to point to any source. It’s the only graphics or video program ever to be incompatible with the basic Intel graphics on my desktop system.

    Wish I’d passed on this one. Removing it now.

    #15430070 Reply | Quote

    [@Nadin] Отвечаю сама себе. Проблему с активацией я решила. Сразу хочу отметить, что отключение штатного брандмауэра Windows, а также антивируса результатов не дало. Проблему я решила следующим образом, я установила в операционную систему Windows 10 VPN клиент, активация программы сработала. Так что теперь все отлично. На сайте разработчика даются советы, что делать с такой проблемой, но эта проблема актуальна для жителей России, но может и для каких-то других стран тоже актуальна. Для меня решение с установкой VPN клиента устранило проблемы.

    #15430095 Reply | Quote

    [@Ivan] Добрый день, Иван. Установите VPN клиент в Вашу операционную систему. Эта проблема актуальна для жителей России.

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Reply To: Reply #15430095 in Luminar 3 / Apr 26 2020