Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Deal — Lifetime License / Mar 9 2024

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  • #22162164 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Deal — Lifetime License? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Deal — Lifetime License, post it here! If you know of issues with Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Deal — Lifetime License, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22180942 Reply | Quote

    “If your PC is running Windows 10 and you are unable to use Windows Update to install the free upgrade to Windows 11, you will not be able to install this version of Windows 11.”

    Microsoft closed this loophole months ago, there is no “free upgrade” for ANY Windows OS anymore.

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Reply To: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Deal — Lifetime License / Mar 9 2024