Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion O&O Defrag 23 Pro / Jul 1 2021

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by Ant.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • #18103054 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about O&O Defrag 23 Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than O&O Defrag 23 Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with O&O Defrag 23 Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #18105553 Reply | Quote
    Hoda Mohammadi


    #18109101 Reply | Quote
    Robert Blankenship


    It’s saying I have entered the wrong registration code, I’ve reentered it 3 times. Maybe someone has an Idea on what I might be doing wrong??

    #18114087 Reply | Quote
    Mogens Olesen

    Hello. I would like to advantage of the O&O Defrag Pro 23 offer but here after nearly two days of waiting for them to send me an e-mail with a serial number, I am still waiting… Anyone knows if this is a normal waiting time? I know that it was written:

    >Please note that as a result of this offer’s great popularity, it might take somewhat longer for your personalized license to be generated. All requests will be processed according to the order in which we receive them. We appreciate and thank you for your understanding!<

    I do understand but almost two days of waiting?! They really must be busy…

    #18120634 Reply | Quote

    FYI …. this is an old version.
    Current version is 24.5

    #18156525 Reply | Quote
    Evandro dos Santos C Luiz

    Não recebi a chave

    #18163504 Reply | Quote

    Não recebi a chave

    O&O always give away old versions.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
Reply To: O&O Defrag 23 Pro / Jul 1 2021