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- This topic has 91 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 days ago by
Guestre Peter’s post of 9/11, mostly:
Unfortunately, ad blockers have become an all too common fact of life with many websites. Presumably, they are defending a primary source of revenue, though in effect by saying: “Fine, if you want access to our content, put up with the policy; if not, don’t bother coming here.” Not at all a fan of this trend, but it’s prevalent now. The worst part is that even after you’ve (temporarily) disabled your ad blockers, plus disabled other things like the great, defensive NoScript add-on (which are treated the same as ad blockers, for these purposes), their existence is still detected and you get excluded, shown the “Unwelcome Mat.” Then it becomes a matter of How badly do you want to visit there ? Sometimes enough to overcome the objection.
There are at least a couple other very good, non-torrent sites that cover similar ground as does Appnee, without screening out ad blockers or NoScript . . . but then they hit you with having to solve repeated Captchas, which gets to be rather annoying. Leave the computer for 10 minutes and return — more Captchas ! (Never mind browser extensions: current Opera now has an intrinsic ad blocker turned ON, by default.) Their ain’t much in the way of Free Lunch, except maybe RIGHT HERE ! Even so, nearly half of my posts at GAotD site seem to wind up being zapped by the Admin — such as informative ones about a recent Win-10 privacy offering — despite my being careful to remain civil and to avoid infringing the guidelines. That’s a disservice to readers, who could benefit from the information. [Occasionally a post has gotten zapped _here_, as well.]
In regard to what you termed hardware-based licensing, don’t a whole lot of Windows programs enter unique, license-type strings into the Win Registry, and absent passing that test at program invocation, the app she No a run ? (Or maybe there is a ‘phone-home’ step taking place.)
GuestWe can’t edit our own errors, after the fact. Of course, I meant to say regarding “sites that have a strict rule AGAINST any presence of ad blockers in use by visitors.”
GuestLike others I am having an issue registering this software. I followed all the instructions correctly and it still didn’t work. I have emailed the vendor in the hope that they can resolve the issue but if they can’t then I will be uninstalling it. Pity really as it seemed like a good PDF Editor and it was of course free! Thanks Ashraf for all your great offerings on this site.
Guestrefuses to accept the registration key. Just says an error occurred while activating.
Well If I cancel the activation that initially runs, then run the app again it gives a new activation prompt that might work now, but it now claims my registration number was already activated. SOS won’t let me get another copy as it says leave some for someone else.
So do not activate on the initial install activation screen. Cancel it and run the app again. Maybe it will work if you didn’t try to activate your number on the original install screen.
Peter Blaise
GuestNo, [@Gary], no, I did not choose any encoding for a text file export, and cannot imagine the meaning of any coding for a test file export, or anything I could have done or chosen for a text file export that would have put what appear to be tabs spaces between words causing them to appear as if in spreadsheet columns.
So, has anyone else tried exporting to text?
I guess that Soft-Xpansion Perfect PDF 9 Editor saw a table of contents with numbered chapters and decided the contents was a spreadsheet, but I’m guessing, I have no idea, and I do not care, it just confirms for me that Soft-Xpansion does not understand what a human understands when we look at the contents of a PDF file.
Let’s wait for version 11 or later, with no registration needed for it to work on screen at least as a trial.
Thanks in advance for your own report of testing text export.
Guestdownloads from SOS hub, but will NOT install… keeps going back to desktop … NEVER had this problem before with any SOS offer. Received the license key just fine… but since won’t install, it’s useless!
GuestInstallation does not start automatically. I had to click setup file in Extracted folder. The installation just hangs at 1st photo and do not proceed. Had to end task through task manager. Tried many time. Do not know what is holding it. If somebody has succesed, please post the procedure.
GuestHello, Mr. Ashraf,
I have written before about your demands for use of CAPATCHA. Since it is you who make the offer, I should not have to prove whether I am a robot or not. I have canceled the use of ad blocker, looked for JavaScript to enable, etc. Still does not work. I could certainly use this PDF Editor. Can we go back to simpler times? Or, maybe get a link with no CAPATCHA request? Thanks in advance.Randy
Guest[@Peter Blaise] I tried on two different pdfs – export to text. Both worked fine; not result as you got. Perhaps conversion depends on source file layout as you suggested.
Peter Blaise
GuestHi [@Gene],
There are many ways to trim advertising and bypass ad blocker blockers ( even [ Print Friendly ] opens some web pages averse to some site’s desires to prevent loading without advertisements ), and some sites prove their self-aggrandized self-absorbed valuelessness by blocking visitors no matter what … as I wrote, their loss … I could not figure out what AppNee was all about anyway, so I moved on.
__________Absolutely nothing wrong with free [ MagnetDL. com ], free [ BitTorrent. com ], free [VirusTotal. com ], and I suggest a proxy sich as not free [ TorGuarg. net ].
__________If the admin of the day does not approve of a GOTD post, then I repost to GOTD every day, and I eventually find an admin who lets it go through … eventually – censoring admins have no idea how they sully any goodwill their site might have had, ruining at least 10 additional customers who will never appear, and all over one berserker attitudinizing administrator who just has to scrutinize every post for their own preferences, instead of letting visitors be visitors – people post because they care and feel a sense of ownership, loyalty, proprietorship in their participation in a community, even if they are critical, especially if they are critical, banning is a web-site killer, and admins ban to their own peril, and absolutely needlessly.
__________Here ar SOS I learned that anything in a post that appears as a link just gets tossed, hence writing [ domain. com ] sharing where folks can delete the spaces to use the link.
__________Hardware licensing is marriage to some kind of proprietary algorithmic signature based on the computer’s hardware, supposedly a unique signature, NOT the multi-digit quasi-random alphanumeric code that would work on any computer first time, but, depending on the first use of that code, may not work on any subsequent installation anywhere, unrelated to any hardware-identifiable information since the vendor does not know nor care about any particular hardware.
__________Soft-Xpansion has a triple failure of:
– hardware licensing before anything appears on screen regardless,
– NO trial regardless,
– Soft-Xpamsion not responding to emails, at least not contemporaneously, though never for most of us so far.Three strikes and they’re out, a baseball metaphor.
Does anyone have an analogy where Soft-Xpansion actually works?
Oh, wait a minute, that’s up to Soft-Xpansion, not us.
Guest[@Criosdean] and [@dbur]
Don’t give up; it is worth it.
For anyone really, … if the “activate via Internet” method fails, it is a communication issue that you have little control over because it could be any number of things. In that case, don’t wait; go straight to the e-mail activation method. It always works. When you choose the e-mail method, your hardware-key is revealed. Send it and the code given by SoS to [email protected]. You will receive a reply with a ZIP attachment that you extract to get to the activation key file. Then complete the e-mail method by entering the SoS code into the Product key field on the left (the hardware-key is already on the right). Finish by browsing to the activation file sent to you via e-mail. When you click the OK button, you will be instantly activated.
Best of luck to you.
Peter Blaise
GuestNo, [@Riggie], no one can use Soft-Xpansion Perfect PDF 9 Editor.
Any alternative will do.
Re=read this entire thread to see why.
__________I believe that SOS has Google’s evil horrid inaccurate reCaptcha on an arbitrary algorithm and is nothing personal, I sometimes get 8 challenges or more before getting through, but it would be harder, though more appropriate and more community-building, for Ashraf to recognize when we sign in from the same IP and same browser signature day after day after day after day after day – yes, it’s still us, your loyal customer and compatriot, Ashraf.
>”If somebody has succesed, please post the procedure.”
I have succeeded and so has others. Here is how to do it.>”Installation does not start automatically.”
Correct; I think you mean download does not start immediately. Starting the Installation is something you initiate. Most of the SoS giveaway offers will start downloading automatically, but every so often, they do not. Regardless, the link is always there to download, which you have already done.>”I had to click setup file in Extracted folder. The installation just hangs at 1st photo and do not proceed.”
That is exactly what happens if you do not copy all of the contents in the Zip file to a regular folder first. The setup program needs access to the other files but it cannot access them unless they are in a regular folder.
Microsoft makes it possible to view the contents of a Zip file by double-clicking on the Zip file. The File Manager makes it look like a regular folder but it is not a folder at all; you are simply seeing the contents of the Zip file. Sadly, by making the Zip file contents look like they are in a regular folder, it trips a lot of people up. Copy ALL of the Zip file contents to a regular folder, then double click on the Setup.exe program.
When you get to the activation part, if you try the Activate via Internet and it fails, then immediately switch to the activate via e-mail method. It always works. Alternatively, you can choose the e-mail method from the beginning. The e-mail method will reveal to you the hardware-key for your computer. Send it and the code that you get from SoS when you first downloaded the program to the Soft Xpansion support ([email protected]). The e-mail method explains this but some people did not read it carefully to understand what to do. Since it is the weekend now, you may not get a reply from Soft-Xpansion until early Monday if you are in the U.S. (they are in Germany). They will reply to your e-mail with an attachment in a Zip file. Download the Zip file, and copy its contents out into a regular folder. Then back in the activation dialog, put the SoS code in the Product key field (the hardware-key will already be there of course). Below the two fields is a button to browse to the extracted file you received from Soft Xpansion. Once you have it selected, you will see the OK button is ready to click. Click the OK button and instantly, you will be activated.
Best of luck to you.
[NOTE:] By the way, when there is only a single setup.exe file in a Zip file, sometimes you can double-click on it, and the setup will work fine. That has caused some people to think that you can click on any setup.exe program in a Zip file. Some will work, and some will not work. It depends on whether that installation program checks to see where it is being executed from or checks other things, such as checking its own filename. Some offers come with specific requirements that the installation program not be renamed.
Guest[@Peter Blaise]
>”I appreciate that some folks can’t use web search resources to successfully find some things, such as Free Ashampoo PDF Pro v1.11, not pirated, not cracked, fully licensed, with a license direct from Ashampoo, LMGTFY let me Google that for you:”
>”[ https :// winningpc. com/product/ashampoo-pdf-pro-license-key-free/ ] … its a v1 giveaway pitch with a 57% OFF Ashampoo PDF Pro 2 Coupon Code, such official teaser promotions happen all the time.”That is a giveaway site that has the software available for free for a short period, just like Sharewareonsale.com offers programs for free for short periods. That does not mean that it is Free all the time as you were suggesting. You should have mentioned that the program was available as a giveaway for a short period, but you wanted it to look like it was a totally free alternative to Perfect PDF 9 all the time.
Your comment “some folks can’t use web search resources to successfully find some things, such as Free Ashampoo PDF Pro v1.11, not pirated, not cracked, fully licensed, with a license direct from Ashampoo, LMGTFY let me Google that for you” suggests that Google can find it, but I had already used Google with the search terms “Free Ashampoo PDF Pro v1.11” and the site you mentioned does not appear within the first 20 pages, but plenty of sites offering a “crack” for the version is overly abundant. At that point, I am pretty sure you can’t find it using Google, nor anyone else can within the first 20 pages. You already knew about the giveaway version on that site but you claim that it can be found using Google? If the program cannot be found with “Free Ashampoo PDF Pro v1.11” for search text, I have to wonder how you can back your “Let me Google it for you” claim. Get real.
Now that you have bragged about Ashampoo PDF Pro v1.11 being superior to Soft Xpansion Perfect PDF 9, what do you get when you export the same file to text using your Ashampoo PDF Pro program? Show the results of that if it is so great.