Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Photo Enhancer AI / Apr 25 2024

  • This topic has 16 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by Michael Johnson.
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  • #22311962 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Photo Enhancer AI? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Photo Enhancer AI, post it here! If you know of issues with Photo Enhancer AI, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22313394 Reply | Quote

    Je souhaite bénéficier de cette offre

    #22315118 Reply | Quote

    This is a huge file which I would only occasionally use, so can PhotoEnhancer be installed on a DVD?

    #22315224 Reply | Quote

    The 3-step registration procedure is too involved, so I got lost along the way. I registered at dvdfab.cn/member.htm allright, but for the life of me I couldn’t find “Member Center > My Services > My Products”. Maybe I’m too dumb for such intricacies. Moreover, one would expect to find software description, screenshots, etc at the site but there are none. Overall, this does not look like a bona fide offer to me.

    #22315485 Reply | Quote

    File weighing 1.31 GB for 3.67 GB once installed on the PC with Windows 11.
    After 3 hours of intensive testing this software does not meet its objectives on practically all the tools offered except with regard to denoising where this is acceptable.
    Thank you for the offer which looked attractive on paper but ultimately I don’t think I will keep this software even free for a year on my PC because it would take up too much space for so little use!


    Fichier pesant 1,31 Go pour 3,67 Go une fois installé sur le PC avec Windows 11 .
    Après 3h de tests intensifs ce logiciel ne remplit pas ses objectifs sur pratiquement tous les outils proposés sauf en ce qui concerne le débruitage ou cela est acceptable .
    Merci pour l’offre qui avait l’air alléchante sur le papier mais finalement je ne pense pas conserver ce soft même gratuit pendant un an sur mon PC car cela prendrait trop de place pour si peu d’utilité !

    #22315925 Reply | Quote

    anyone having problems with downloading models to test things?
    say cant connect server to download the models

    #22315929 Reply | Quote

    anyone having problems with downloading models to test things?
    say cant connect server to download the models

    #22318702 Reply | Quote
    Walter Horowitz

    I’ve tried twice with two different Serial Numbers. When I get to “Member Center > My Services > My Products”. it says “No product yet.” I have used the same email in all email fields and I have used the link in the email to get to DVDFAB.

    #22319242 Reply | Quote
    fake shareware

    I download it and install it successfully. But I can’t register it, even go to Fab website to open an account. There is no place to enter the registration serial number. I only see a lot of adv and persuate to buy more…….

    #22320703 Reply | Quote
    d adams

    Never a good sign when you see three full paragraphs to explain the registration process. I have changed my mind. Thank you for the offer but no thank you.

    #22330224 Reply | Quote

    The long and short – it does not work as advertised. Better free tools on line to fix, enhance, enlarge, colorize photos. Haven’t a clue what the developers were thinking. Don’t waste your time.

    #22338393 Reply | Quote
    Sindi Stack

    [@Yann] Thanks for letting me know so I won’t waste my time.

    #22349337 Reply | Quote

    Sajnálom, 2x próbáltam a telepítést Win11-re és érvénytelen.
    Úgy látom másnak is csak gondot okoz. Ez nem ajándék hanem idöpocsékolás.Köszönöm.

    #22350887 Reply | Quote

    invalid serial number ..,,invalid serial number ..,,,invalid serial number ..,,,invalid serial number ..,,,invalid serial number ..,,,

    #22352435 Reply | Quote

    i want

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
Reply To: Photo Enhancer AI / Apr 25 2024