Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Photo Pos Pro PREMIUM VERSION / Aug 13 2016

  • This topic has 49 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by ted.
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  • #5497534 Reply | Quote

    Registration failed!! Could you help out->Windows 10 64 bits

    #5497660 Reply | Quote

    same as many others on my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit… 8/13/2016 2:59:42 PM: Photo Pos Pro, Could not load file or assembly ‘PosNetIpLib, Version=1.0.5980.20618, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format., at PosIpCtl_2010.Cls2010VectorialObject.RenderObjectTobitmap(Bitmap& lPic, Bitmap& lMsk, VObj_RenderState RenderMode, Boolean RenderEffectsChain, RichTextBox& l_RelatedRTFeditor, Boolean ShowTextCaret, Boolean FastStyleTransformPreivewMode)
    at PosIpCtl_2010.ClsPaintBrush.RenderObjectToInnerBuffers(VObj_RenderState RenderMode, Boolean RenderEffectsChain, RichTextBox& l_RelatedRTFeditor, Boolean ShowTextCaret, Boolean FastPreviewMode)
    at PosIpCtl_2010.CtlPPPPStarterInterface..ctor()
    at Photo_Pos_Pro_3.FrmPPPStarterInterface.InitializeComponent()
    at Photo_Pos_Pro_3.FrmStartup.Timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    #5497896 Reply | Quote

    The program works!
    I checked on Windows XPx32,7×32,7×64,8.1×32.
    What should be done:
    1) Select the bit(x32 x64), remove the check mark from the subscription program for 15 days Free.
    2) Turn on the Internet.
    3) Run the program and activate the Premium.

    Who bug – “Registration failed(computer reg.addr was not found).

    Including the Internet and run the program, and then activate it.
    Internet need to initsionalizatsii your computer and the program, otherwise it will not recognize it.

    You can download it here (remove space http:).
    http: //download.cnet.com/Photo-Pos-Pro/3000-2192_4-10264444.html?part=dl-&subj=dl&tag=button

    #5497977 Reply | Quote
    Mudo J.

    This actually looks as an old, once ambitious, but obviously unfinished program. Since it is declared as a photo editor, it should be probably mentioned, that it only supports 8-bit formats.

    #5498218 Reply | Quote

    Internet should be included to run the program, otherwise the program does not detect your PC and you do not activate Premium!

    #5498221 Reply | Quote
    Jeff Slpeeth

    Does not install. Tried twice – strange screen with “copy to clipboard” appears” and then hangs. Windows 10 AE x64

    #5498292 Reply | Quote

    Jeff Slpeeth,
    I do not have Windows 10 :(((
    I understand about what screen you’re talking about.
    If the support Windows 10 promised.
    There are only references(remove space http:).:(((

    http: //www.photopos.com/ppp3_wp/support/
    http: //www.photopos.com/PhotoPosPro_FreePhotoEditor_v3/PPP3Help.aspx

    Send them to the error screen.

    #5498740 Reply | Quote

    I purchased this from them so I could get the plug-ins and extentions they offered as well, but after I downloaded them I can NOT install them because they each need a serial as well. I have contacted them via FaceBook, their contact form, and email with no reply. It seems they have non exsistant support. I need the serials for them or I want a refund since I can get what I have for free here.

    #5498763 Reply | Quote

    On the Photo Pos Pro website, the comparison chart show that there are three extra things that the “Ultimate” edition has:
    Limited file size saving
    Ads free
    Huge creativity pack

    The Huge creativity pack has 4 extra collage and frame packages, but they come at a price or the user must have a login and must supply the license key and the e-mail address used to acquire the program, in order to gain access. Since the e-mail address used to acquire the program is unknown to the developer, the Creativity packs are not available to the users of the version acquired through Sharewareonsale.com. Can the developer clarify if this is not the case?

    I understand the “Ads free” extra (thanks), but exactly how does the Limited file size saving work? It sounds like the Ultimate edition has a limit on the size of files saved, but I am hoping the intention is that the Ultimate edition does not have a limit. Just curious what is the actual limit?

    #5499043 Reply | Quote

    [@Gary] It is the Photo Pos Pro PREMIUM VERSION not ULTIMATE. Once you download those packs, they each also require a serial to install them which is part of the setup file. I did purchase this in order to get that part of the deal but all I received in my email was a serial to make the program Premium and nothing for the etra packs.

    #5499069 Reply | Quote

    [@DA NA] [@Maggie] [@yoav] Please try now, we just updated our Download Hub.

    #5499692 Reply | Quote

    download manager speed so low. in IDM speed so fast and your download manager speed to low. downloading 61mb softwear take 30 min and in IDM take 1 min

    #5499961 Reply | Quote

    Read the comments…I am NOT going to install. :D

    #5499978 Reply | Quote

    Hangs after first Start. never could get into the program itself…Uninstalling!!!

    #5500006 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    This is a cure JPEG ‘editor’ to make equal or smaller copies, and could be quite popular for that.

    Without the ability to read camera raw image files, it limits itself to JPEGging.

    Their free version is almost equal to their premium version.

    My notes during install:

    Well, my first impression of Photo Pos ( you KNOW what ‘pos’ means in common parlance, don’t you? Remember ‘Publish It!’ ? Names matter. ) is three more misses …

    1 – you asked if I want 32 bit or 64 bit as if you did not know I am on a 32 bit operating system and machine — does the 64 bit work on 32 bit operating system and machine?

    I suggest knowing your environment before you play.

    2 — the opening screen shows two versions of a face, two versions that don’t look very different at all, does your software do something invisible before-and-after , like JPEGmini who brag that there are no visible differences, only the file size has shrunk?

    If your goal is something other than comparing the two face images, then I suggest you get rid of the distracting face images.

    3 — what do you say below the two pictures on the opening screen? The message falls below the frame and I have no way of scrolling to it.

    I suggest always allowing us to scroll and resize the frame, and scroll and resize the contents of any frame, perhaps automatically knowing your environment and resizing yourself, especially if you want to show off the savvy of your programmers ( note: plan for a 640 x 480 screen for those of us who may want emergency access to your program features on a crashing computer that only boots in safe mode ).

    …. now that I’m into the software …

    4 — I clicked on ‘tutorial’ and you opened Microsoft Internet Explorer, rather than my default browser, Google Chrome.

    I suggest honoring user defaults, or asking …

    5 — without warning that you were going to the Internet.

    I suggest warning, and offering to download any web-references for immediate access on the computer for those of us who may want to use your references when off line, say, when photographing for a week off line in a remote cottage in the woods with no Internet access.

    6 — I notice hard to discern, low contrast lettering, for example, on your ‘thank you’ on the “thank you” screen, and also on the program under help > about where you hide your web address.

    I suggest, again, knowing your environment and keeping all lettering readable in contrast and resolution.

    7 — It locks up indefinitely without showing an hourglass while trying to browse my network looking for my image storage.

    I suggest showing how hard your programmers are working all the time by using a progress indicator.

    — It never unlocked, so I killed it using task manager.

    Kudos for browsing my network at all, at least.

    8 — You balked at opening a raw image file. I would never edit a presentation file like the JPEG format. A Google search of your site for the word ‘raw’ came up with no results — you can’t edit from raw camera capture?

    I suggest that your next version should work on raw camera captures.

    I’ll be clearing my computer of your program until I hear that you work from raw.


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Reply To: Photo Pos Pro PREMIUM VERSION / Aug 13 2016