Have something to say about PhotoZoom 6? Say it here!
Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than PhotoZoom 6, post it here! If you know of issues with PhotoZoom 6, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
I have completed the request with both check boxes checked and filled in the registration page. However, I have not received my confirmation email and the program will not let me proceed without it. I have double-checked my spam folder with no luck.
Any thoughts on how to proceed?
Update, I did get the activation link and product ID and registration code, but, there is an LPS Error when unpacking the program. I have reached out to the vendor for help.
I was answered by a BOT and told that I can go to a web page in German and try to find my answer. At the same time, I have searched on the site for another download of the PhotoZoom #6 Standard with no luck.
This ugly provider has made the registration a pain in the derriere.
I quickly uninstalled this poor program.
I try to avoid headaches and going thru ugly hoops as this poor provider is making us do.
I don’t understand why companies like this even attempt to participate in these kinds of giveaways, oh, maybe I do now they have our email addresses that they can distribute/sell to almost anyone.
My impression is that if a publisher needs four paragraphs to explain the registration process, they have overly complicated it. How about have a readme file with “here is the key, enter into the program to register it?” I lost interest halway through the second paragraph.