Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Remove Logo Now / Aug 21 2024

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  • #22622207 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Remove Logo Now? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Remove Logo Now, post it here! If you know of issues with Remove Logo Now, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22622354 Reply | Quote

    I installed the software but unlike what you say in the download and installation instructions, on first run, there is nothing telling me to register. The software also does not have or at least show where to enter the registration key. So am not sure whether this is activated at all.
    Another very strange thing is at the top of the software window I have this text: “Remove logo now! – winningpc.com”! This is another giveaway site, probably from which i have installed some other Softorbits software. Could this be playing a role? If I am not mistaken, I think I read a while back that already installed Softorbits program interferes with activation of new Software programs.
    Is that right and if so could that not be solved or at least I would appreciate knowing whether the installed program is activated or not and if the installed Softorbit software registration is not affected.
    Thank you in advance

    #22623054 Reply | Quote

    One problem. Forced installation on C: Drive. No option to install to another drive.

    #22623056 Reply | Quote

    One problem. Forced installation on C: Drive. No option to install to another drive.

    #22623493 Reply | Quote

    To Xprt007:
    There is a key in the upper right corner of the application. When you click on it, it will pop up a windows telling you that you have 10 days for the trial period. There is a register icon where you register it. Just enter your email address & the lidense key, & it is registered.
    As far as the text that you see (Remove logo now! – winningpc.com), I don’t see that on mine. I only see “Remove logoo now.”
    Hope that helps.

    #22623620 Reply | Quote

    Forced installation on C: Drive. No option to install to another drive. No thanks

    #22623932 Reply | Quote
    Hubba Bubba

    Very, very happy to see a SoftOrbits giveaway that isn’t the usual 6 month license! Nice one, Ashraf!! Always wanted to try this software!!!

    #22625590 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for the response. may be I am missing something, but in “upper right corner of the application” I only have the 3 buttons: minimize, maximize & close.
    Opposite side: File, View, selection, Tools, SoftOrbits & Help. Interestingly Under Help => About, there is “Registered version”, even if I inserted no key.
    I suspect this has something I mentioned above regarding SoftOrbits software from other Giveaway sites like Giveawayoftheday where there have been complaints of the registration status of newly installed or already installed SoftOrbits software conflicting/interfering, even if the software is not the same, but from them. I think if I remember well some complaints that pre-installed Softorbits software gets/got unregistered if you installed anything else from them.
    I installed SoftOrbits Icon Maker, probably from Winningpc.com about a week or 2 ago, which might explain why there is “Remove logo now! – winningpc.com” top, center of my Remove Log Now
    How could my “Remove Log Now” be a registered version if I did not add the key, unless only mine was pre-registered or everyone has “Remove logo now! – winningpc.com” top, center of theirs?
    So I have no window to add the key and mine is supposedly registered, but still wondering!

    #22625599 Reply | Quote

    I also found that very odd and disturbing, but reluctantly installed.

    #22631342 Reply | Quote

    I got it installed without any problems.

    I am not sure whether this is a Windows 11 program. I got it working in Windows 10.

    The results is not that good. I think watching it with the logo is better. There are a lot of flickering where the logo is removed.

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Reply To: Remove Logo Now / Aug 21 2024