Have something to say about Scrivener 2? Say it here!
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Really dislike the fact this is not a direct sale through SoS, but through StackSocial. This should be stated upfront not after you click the link for the software. Please treat customers with greater care and make it known when sales are outside of SoS directly, and who is really selling the software.
[@m] Aside from giveaways, we haven’t done sales directly through SoS in a very long time. We organize sales, yes, but the purchase is always through the payment processing platform the developer chooses, such as Avangate. This sale just happens to be through StackSocial. Why is that a problem?
[ @Ashraf] For me personally, I find SS to be less than forthright with customers and so I do not purchase from them. It is the “Pay What You Want” wording that rubs me the wrong way, since it is not pay what you want, but the base minimum, or pay “x” amount to get the full deal. It is all too slight-of-hand for me. So no matter the deal I do not purchase from them.