Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SoftOrbits Photo Editor Pro / Apr 15 2023

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  • #21090162 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about SoftOrbits Photo Editor Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than SoftOrbits Photo Editor Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with SoftOrbits Photo Editor Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21092243 Reply | Quote

    La clé de licence pour SoftOrbits photo editor pro et considérée comme invalide par le logiciel !!!!
    Voici la clé de licence donnée par votre message: Clé de licence : EDT8-PRO-FRSBC-WBYMT-PLYNJ

    #21100730 Reply | Quote

    convenient and useful application

    #21102131 Reply | Quote

    Error when add key…Activation keys does not march for….

    #21103797 Reply | Quote

    In 18 months, this is my third SoftOrbits lifetime license program that I am re-recording.
    The license can give it to them you lose, only after a few months and then you can’t get it
    you restore, as the program goes into mode. . .Free version.
    Apparently this is some kind of trick from the developers to make you pay them!

    #21110679 Reply | Quote
    Allan Brunner

    [@Benn] Are you sure you are not inadvertently updating the program?

    #21114286 Reply | Quote

    [@Allan Brunner]
    I have been dealing with computers for 20 years now and I know very well what I am doing.
    The programs of this developer are a cheap commercial gimmick, as it turned out with the
    “TeraBox cloud” with 1024 MB of free space and a lifetime license put on promotion by
    a Chinese company.They work no more than 3 months. . .

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Reply To: SoftOrbits Photo Editor Pro / Apr 15 2023