Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Steganos Privacy Suite 18 / Sep 12 2017

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  • #8911175 Reply | Quote

    I have the same comunicate :/ Ive try from many other IP even TOR network and always its the same error. Try a few email address – and the same. It`s not working and I cannot register !

    #8911525 Reply | Quote

    I didn’t receive the license key for Steganos Privacy Suite 18 I installed today.

    #8911954 Reply | Quote

    I have the same problem as the one that after putting in my email address and pressing the blue button, a window from steganos opens and says something in German that is not what your instructions indicated. And then no email from them received on top of this. I can’t even google translate the german because I cannot copy the text from that small window. The only thing I grasp is the ok button which I press and small window disappears and still no email received.
    Please help me sort this out. Thanks.

    #8912183 Reply | Quote

    as guys above said,does not work

    #8912896 Reply | Quote

    They are not giving serial numbers because other people using the same IP already applied for….
    An IT company that does not know that mostly internet providers provide dynamic (random) IP addresses for users should not be taken serious

    #8913213 Reply | Quote

    it means that that ip has already used in their system.
    same here.
    so, steganos, you have a problem…
    and (at least) one user less…

    #8913451 Reply | Quote
    G. J.

    Same IP address error for me. I’ve tried from many addresses that belong to me and nobody else.

    #8913965 Reply | Quote

    “Ihre IP-Adresse wurde bereits genutzt. Dies kann unter anderem dadurch verursacht werden, dass Steganos Online Shield aktiv ist. Deaktivieren Sie dieses bitte, wenn Sie die Seriennummer anfordern. Danach können Sie es wieder aktivieren.”
    I do not have any Shield active, tried at PC – cable connection and Tablet, Phone with 2 mobile networks… kindly someone help please…

    #8914640 Reply | Quote

    I cannot get the web page to give me the license key. It keeps saying my IP has already been used.

    #8914668 Reply | Quote

    @Everyone: Looks like they ended the giveaway earlier than expected. Sorry to those that missed it!

    #8915354 Reply | Quote

    No activation code sent

    #8915878 Reply | Quote
    vex 3

    Through your pen I found the problem up interesting! I believe there are many other people who are interested in them just like me! How long does it take to complete this article? I have read through other blogs, but they are cumbersome and confusing. I hope you continue to have such quality articles to share with everyone!
    vex 3

    #8917581 Reply | Quote

    Through Shareware on Sale, I got Steganos Privacy Suite 18 (100% discount)

    However, I am unable to get get the serial number with my gmail entered
    { click here to go to the giveaway page, enter your email address in the text box that says IHRE E-MAIL-ADRESSE and click the}

    Although this is the first download, it keep saying ——
    Ihre IP-Adresse wurde bereits genutzt. Dies kann unter anderem dadurch verursacht werden, dass Steganos Online Shield aktiv ist. Deaktivieren Sie dieses bitte, wenn Sie die Seriennummer anfordern. Danach können Sie es wieder aktivieren.
    English translation says: Your IP address has already been used. This can be caused by Steganos Online Shield being active. Please deactivate this if you request the serial number. You can then reactivate it.
    1. I have not used it 2. I can’t find any on-line shield to deactivate.
    Please help.

    #8924186 Reply | Quote

    The same Problem.
    it was not possible to get a Serial nummer from the steganos Homepage. Always i get the message “Your IP Adress was used.” Even from a pc outside of my home.

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
Reply To: Steganos Privacy Suite 18 / Sep 12 2017