Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion TopMostKing / Jul 2 2023

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  • #21327608 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about TopMostKing? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than TopMostKing, post it here! If you know of issues with TopMostKing, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21328523 Reply | Quote

    Tried this one but didn’t get far. Download, installed and registered without a problem. However, when I ran the program (as Administrator) I got only a box with Chinese characters in it. Unable to use Google translate with it, so I had to just uninstall without seeing what the program could do.

    #21328678 Reply | Quote
    S. Ame

    When I understand the description right, this tool can make any window(s) stay in front of other windows.
    For this purpuse I use the freeware DESKPINS since a while.

    But I can not really imagine what the copy- and paste-function could be good for?
    Is it some kind of extended clipboard function?

    And why do we need an soundeffect?

    #21329374 Reply | Quote

    The free Powertoys app from Microsoft can already pin windows to top, plus it has lots of other cool features. Not sure who really needs this app.

    #21329644 Reply | Quote

    Hi. When I run it as administrator, it shows english characters. It’s not normal for what you described.

    #21329654 Reply | Quote

    [@S. Ame]
    DESKPINS is good. But this app can set any window on top by right click, it may be more convenient.
    As for copy paste, normally, we press two keys (Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+V), with this app, you only press Ctrl to copy or paste, just saves your time a little bit.

    #21330423 Reply | Quote
    Rodolfo Giovanninetti

    I too get a Chinese message when I double-click on the desktop icon if the program is already running.
    Even if I right-click on the icon and then I choose run as administrator, I get the same Chinese message.
    I do not know if I can put here a screen-shot to show what I mean.
    Rodolfo Giovanninetti

    #21333857 Reply | Quote

    [@Rodolfo Giovanninetti]
    Hi. That message means the program is already running. You can only run a single instance of TopMostKing.

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Reply To: TopMostKing / Jul 2 2023