Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › Total Image Converter / Nov 18 2018
- This topic has 24 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 2 months ago by
Peter Blaise
[@Olga]Thanks for your response … I presume you are related to CoolUtils … so …
— convert to [ Web Optimise ] …
—- do you mean small file size,
—- or do you mean interleaving,
—- or do you mean immediately draws a minimum, low resolution full-image scan pass on screen while the higher resolution scan information arrives and draws in afterwards,
—- or do you mean a low resolution image is included for immediate display while a larger image loads?— versus the “optimize” option, meaning what, exactly?
— versus convert to [ WebP ] …? ( more on what WebP is and is not, “optimize” wise at
https ://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/WebP
and https ://developers.google. com/speed/webp/ )On the one hand, I see CoolUtils just throwing in as many converters as possible to be all-inclusive, and let the user decide what to do based on their own external demands and their own level of understanding of external definitions of file formats.
On the other hand, since “optimize” shows up as an option during some conversions, it makes sense for CoolUtils to specifically explain what “optimize” means to CoolUtils.
From your comment, I think you mean that “optimize” means “smallest JPEG / PNG with equivalent SSim structural similarity quality index”, similar to what Beamr Imaging JPEGmini and other competitive programs offer for smallest JPEG file size, but because you mention Google, and Google prefers WebP, not JPEG, now I’m more confused as to what “optimize” means to CoolUtils.
Can you or someone at CoolUtils clarify or refer to a page on the web or in an instruction resource as to the meaning of “optimize” to CoolUtils as an option withing some Total Image Converter conversions?
And can someone at CoolUtils confirm that you do not offer to convert to DNg?
Thanks again.
__________PS — For me, the program is totally locked and cannot accomplish anything, no error message, just becomes unresponsive ( Windows 7-64 ), I may have to totally uninstall and reinstall it to try any further tests.
__________And, folks, “raw” is “raw”, not “RAW”, it is not an abbreviation of R-something A-something W-something, as JPEG, TIFF and others are abbreviations, “raw” just means “undeveloped” / uncooked, so to speak … making Adobe’s “DNg” “digital negative” a misnomer since a negative is developed, cooked, so to speak, yet the DNg file format is for raw, undeveloped, uncooked, so to speak, digital image file content … thanks, Adobe, for arbitrary and unnecessary confusion.
.Peter Blaise
Click wise, it’s not 1, 2, 3.It’s
Click 1 – Open the program
Click 2 – select a source location
Click 3+ – select images or directories
Click 4+ and maybe 5+ and 6+ — select a target file format for conversion to
Click 5+ through 20+ or more — select options, and [ Start ]3 click would only be AFTER opening the program, and AFTER selecting a location in the left panel, then
Click 1 – select ONE something in the right panel, ONE picture or ONE directory of pictures,
Click 2 – select a file conversion from the primary possible conversions ( not from the extended list, that would require additional clicks )
Click 3 – go ahead with defaults, hope they are satisfactory and land where you can find them.Time wise,
I took ~600 JPEG images in ~2.3 GB ( ~3.8 MB each )
to 1 PDF in ~439 MB
in ~21 minutes ( ~2 seconds per source image file )
2260 MHx 2-core 4 GB RAM Windows 7-64 all source and destinations on the same SATA hard driveThe program failed to show the output results at the completion of the task.
Attempting to open the results, I got a “Format error: not a PDF or corrupted”, ouch!
If I had the 10,000 “old” DNGs ( seriously ? ), as suggested, at ~2 seconds per file, it might take 5 1/2 hours … to find the results in error and corrupted.
The resulting batch file of the same command reads:
__________chcp 65001
“C:\Program Files (x86)\CoolUtils\TotalImageConverter\ImageConverter32.exe” “C:\DCIM\” “C:\DCIM\2018-11.20.pdf” -logmode o -threads 1 -combine -c PDF -cimt onefile -s “3264 x 2448” -bkgnd black -cl true -pclm gray -tc JPEG -tiffpi rgb -tjq 80 -TM 0.3 -LM 0.3 -BM 0.3 -RM 0.3 -po Landscape -ps Letter -jq 80 -autosize False -fitpage -pc Maximum -pvm normal -PDFAuthor “CoolUtils Total Image Converter” -PDFProducer Softplicity -pdfzoom default -pdflimit 0 -pci LZW -wmf [Tahoma,8,black] -wmh Left -wmv Top -wmm [10,10,10,10] -r
__________or, for easy differentiations of the program’s command line options:
__________chcp 65001
“C:\Program Files (x86)\CoolUtils\TotalImageConverter\ImageConverter32.exe”
-logmode o
-threads 1
-c PDF
-cimt onefile
-s “3264 x 2448”
-bkgnd black
-cl true
-pclm gray
-tc JPEG
-tiffpi rgb
-tjq 80
-TM 0.3
-LM 0.3
-BM 0.3
-RM 0.3
-po Landscape
-ps Letter
-jq 80
-autosize False
-pc Maximum
-pvm normal
-PDFAuthor “CoolUtils Total Image Converter”
-PDFProducer Softplicity
-pdfzoom default
-pdflimit 0
-pci LZW
-wmf [Tahoma,8,black]
-wmh Left
-wmv Top
-wmm [10,10,10,10]
__________IrfanView on my system takes ~20 seconds per picture to convert the same JPGs to PDF BUT also auto adjusts exposure, contrast, gamma, saturation, and sharpness in the process … yes, that would be 55 hours, but it would also be a different task AND it would be successful.
I cannot imagine converting ANY raw, let alone 10,000 raw, to JPG WITHOUT auto exposure, auto contrast, auto color, auto sharpen, at least.
Also, when I convert raw to JPG using IrfanView, I first measure the JPG that is already inside the raw file, the thumbnail that the camera used to present an image on the display on the back of the camera, and I “ask” for a conversion from raw to exactly that size JPG, and, viola, IrfanView grabs exactly that already-created thumbnail instantly, no waiting, and it already has all the camera-maker adjustments for best JPG presentation of exposure, contrast, color, and sharpness.
I don’t do DNg, but I’ve read a great deal on it, and it also may contain a JPG preview ( optional ), so conversion of DNg to JPG ought to quick and easy and pretty, too, if we accept the inbuilt JPG preview image as our goal.
Sometimes we convert when we don’t need to, if we only look to see if what we want is already there.
Hence my hunger for smart programs that know the content of the files they are working on, not just merely the format of those files.
My speed comparison is not scientific nor intelligently chosen as a real test, but was based on a few ( 600 ! ) local images, not on my network images, which included my 10+ years of raw files ( well more than 10,000, sometimes in just a few day’s worth of photography ), which I declined to test because CoolUtils Total Image Converter was painfully slow reading and writing across my network.
I use free Picasa to convert raw to occasional presentation / print JPGs because free Picasa allows me to quickly view through an entire suite of images and optimize them manually for shadow and highlights and color and straightening and occasional cropping, before applying auto adjustments of exposure, color, and sharpening, and then exporting to whatever size JPG is appropriate for any particular need.
And I have the software that came free with the camera to explore total control of raw conversions.
Thanks, CoolUtils, for a sort-of-workable tool for mass conversions if ever I need such a tool, though I’m hard pressed to think of when it would be better than what I’ve already got for what I need.
GuestI downloaded form your site Total Image Converter, an email was sent with the License Key. I installed the program but when I went to register it I was asked to go to another link and paste in a code that was supplied but received an error code 522 on that activation site. I have made multiple attempts and bypassed the firewall but no luck. I know that today is the last day of the give away but would like to know if you can help.
GuestI can not register. always give me an error message.
Guestunable to reach activation servers
Dr. Reviewer
GuestWhy do you keep posting unresponsive posts?
USING the program — actually USING the program — brings up the presentation by the program itself — by the program itself — of an “optimize” function choice selection …
… that the programmers themselves are averse to define or describe what “optimize” means,
… and that you also apparently do not know anything about what they mean by an “optimize” option, only writing the unclear comment “… While the optimize feature and all that stuff might be simple, that’s what it’s meant to do “Quick and simple conversion” not advanced image editing …” — so, do you believe the “optimize” in CoolUtils total Image converter is or is not “simple” or is or is now “advanced image editing” or what?
Maybe CoolUtils could join in here and answer?
I’m not writing about “… extra features being mentioned here and said to be lacking …”, I’m writing about something — “optimize” — that was presented by the program itself during actual use.
Hey, the CoolUtils Total Image Converter programmers themselves brought up the “optimize” feature, not me, and they failed to explain it, and failed to use the word in ways that other programs use the word “optimize” when working with digital image files.
__________Regarding reading-descriptions-before-actually-using-the-program … no, it does not offer to convert to DNG — free Adobe Camera Raw / DNg Converter can — and for me it accepted a request to convert to Web Optimized, but failed to convert to Web Optimized, with no explanation.
And it is deadly, unforgivingly, non-competitively -s-l-o-w- and -u-n-r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-v-e- for me, compared to free IrfanView and free Picasa and free Adobe.
You wrote “… It does what it claims to do …” but you do not give details of what it did for you.
I’m especially curious about your specific experience because you mentioned that CoolUtils Total Image Converter was fast for you — from what kind of files and sizes to what kinds of files and sizes, and on what computer specifications?
But hey, thanks for sharing.
CoolUtils themselves is welcome to our feedback here, and they can join and address any question … if they want to.
.As I said before, it does what it says it states it does, you are trying to say that it doesn’t. If you want to compare it, that’s fine, but making the false claim that it does not do what it does in the description is misleading.
Sure there’s better ones with more options. And as for what it does for me, it does exactly what it says it does in the description.
I’m not trying to argue with you, I am pointing out that most of what you are mentioned you are correct on, but what you fail to mention is that it does what the description says that it does, it does not claim to do nothing more.
And as for the “OPTIMIZE” feature you keep talking about, that’s a broad range of views, OPTIMIZE does not mean ONE MAGIC button fixes all, it means it does what the documentation states it does.
GuestThis software is solely an image converter, nothing more. Despite what you think by its thumbnail image. (https://sharewareonsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TIC18Main.png)
The ribbon menu “rotate,resize,crop,watermark,frame,and more” doesn’t exist. Instead of “watermark,frame,and more” options, there is an “optimize” button. There are no watermark or frame options there. The watermark option can be found after selecting a conversion type, for example PNG, and then “Documents” menu. Totally not intuitive! Not only this but it doesn’t apply any watermark!!! Have you ever checked if this feature works?? As for the “frame” feature, it is nowhere to be found!
I downloaded this software just for these two features. If you don’t support them, then change the image you provide, or don’t show one.
Guest[@tony] Hello, contact Coolutils via contact page, we will send you a new key https://www.coolutils.com/Contact
Guest[@Peter Blaise] Thank you for your feedback. As for the raw – you nailed it, we write it as a file format, which is certainly not right.
Optimize option in Coolutils Total Image Converter takes JPEG, PNG and GIF images and makes copies smaller in size trying to keep the visual quality. It’s all about file size, which is crucial for fast page upload. This option is loved by webmasters, who have hundreds of images and want to compress them all in one go.
As for command line – you can make all the settings in GUI and the app will create a BAT file in one click. Use the button on the last inlay of the wizard http://my.jetscreenshot.com/12042/20181126-ql7t-253kb