Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Video Keeper / Mar 29 2022

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  • #19514209 Reply | Quote

    [@Neil] The workaround suggested here of downloading the installation file from the developers site does not work for me, the installation crashes at the same point as the SOS download did. Both downloads are the same size and after quick scans of the downloads they appear to be the same, they are both 79,391 KB in size.

    #19514333 Reply | Quote
    Sheldon Eric Fried

    Although the program was downloaded, I could not install and run it on my computer. It says it was installed on my Program files under AceThinker, but after actually going to my Program Files, AceThinker does not show up. Please help – thanks!

    #19514345 Reply | Quote

    I don’t know if the download file has been changed since all the comments above about failed installations, but I have just installed the SOS download file without any problems at all. I am running W10 Professional, and during the initial setup I did not allow any of the offered options, ie desktop shortcuts, additions to the quick launch menu or starting with Windows.
    I did not receive any warnings from my anti-virus either, so don’t let other people’s problems stop you from trying the program for yourself – it may work for you, too.

    #19514470 Reply | Quote
    Dan Cummings

    I downloaded the Video Keeper folder from your website; it unzipped automatically. I tried to install the program at least twice by opening the videokeeper.exe file; both times it proceeded through all the customary windows and dialog boxes except that the last dialog box with the “Finish” command button did not appear. I repeated the process, beginning with a fresh download of the program and at least 2 more attempts to install from the .exe file, but the results were the same. I checked for installation in the Settings program “Add or Remove Programs,” but it was not listed there. How does the program install?

    #19514507 Reply | Quote

    As one of the previous poster said….If you download from the official *acevideokeeper* site…then insert the key from *Shareware* ,then it will register!! Have fun :)

    #19514515 Reply | Quote

    [@John] Same here, installer disappears when running.

    #19514658 Reply | Quote

    You know, these sorts of glitches seem to occur here WAY too often . . . .
    Jes sayin’.

    #19514687 Reply | Quote

    I downloaded AceThinker Video Keeper from the official site and it worked. The first time I tried AceThinker Video Keeper Pro and got invalid key. When I tried just the AceThinker Video Keeper, I was able to install and the key SOS provided worked.

    Negative results trying that, using the SoS reg key + Video Keeper from the developer’s site: “Invalid Activation Code.”

    #19515082 Reply | Quote

    I downloaded AceThinker Video Keeper from the official site and it worked fine . Use AceThinker Video Keeper – NOT Pro, I was able to install and the key SOS provided free key worked. Activated and 100% working on Windows 11. Best of Luck!

    #19515283 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded but never installs. Goes thru the motions but then closes. Never shows up anywhere on PC to register.

    #19515381 Reply | Quote

    The setup program from SoS and from Acethinker (not the Pro edition) are the same with a sha1 HASH value of A751D555 D895A754 439AE8C8 45B9F41B 166C4711. Therefore, it does not matter where you download the file from, the results will be the same. By the way, everyone should have a HASH program to verify if a file is the same as another. Some companies will even display what the HASH values are (there are several different types of HASH values, MD5, SHA1, etc.) so that users can verify if they were able to download completely what they are expecting.

    Jess stated, “You know, these sorts of glitches seem to occur here WAY too often . . . .”
    In many years of installing programs from SoS, I can recall only one that had an issue, and Ashraf took it down. … and I install just about every program offered here on SoS, even if I am not interested nor need the program, and especially if several others have the same error (just so I can see what the issues are and possibly give advice).

    I already had Acethinker 6.2.5 installed, but the issue reported by several users regarding the Acethinker Video Keeper today was enough to do my own test.

    Guess what? You guys are right. The program disappeared just as described by others. Despite some users being successful in installing the program without any issue, there is no guarantee it will install the same for all users as the developer intended. Therefore, Ashraf cannot solve this issue on his own. Hopefully, he can get Acethinker involved to investigate why a few have success but many have the same failure.

    #19515422 Reply | Quote

    I suspect that a previous givaway application called “Shadow Defender” might be the cause of the problems when installing and the installer suddenly closes without any message or explanation. I don’t have a proof for this yet and don’t really want to uninstall “Shadow Defender” to prove my hunch. Has any of you folks here on this site uninstalled “Shadow Defender”, restarted the machine and then successfully installed “Video Keeper” which was not working previously ??? Please, let me know if you try my suggested workaround.


    #19515475 Reply | Quote

    Try the usual trick of running as Admin. Might help if the installer is disappearing after starting.

    #19515485 Reply | Quote

    I used Uniextract to extract the exe to a subdir.
    ie: Right-click ,extract to subdir.
    I then ran Video Keeper.exe from the subdir and it seems to start up ok.

    #19515489 Reply | Quote

    Though it’s probably not intergrated correctly for grabbing files .not sure just yet tbh.

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Reply To: Reply #19542353 in Video Keeper / Mar 29 2022