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Though unlikely I’ll get a response (but we’ll give it a whirl), the place where one would normally register the product is an ad for 30% off and there is no way to comply with the steps outlined in the instructions.
I have figured out how to make the license key work.
Here are the steps:
1. CLick Register at the bottom left corner
2. Enter first name: Tickoupon
3. Enter last name: Giveaway
4. Enter your own email
5. Enter the same code WEBANIMATORGO-ANIMATION2022EN (copy-paste)
6. Success! :)
I hope this helps and you get to enjoy the freebie!
You have still not made a comment here,
where we can download an error-free start page
with a REGISTER in the bottom left corner,
so we are able to input WEBANIMATORGO-ANIMATION2022EN