Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Windows Boot Genius, post it here! If you know of issues with Windows Boot Genius, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
I have had this before as my PC crashes often. I use a multi-boot system with a few different versions of Windows and there is always something going wrong. I downloaded this today and installed it thinking it would be fully-featured and up-to-date but that was not the case. I wanted to use the Registry Recovery feature on a partition with Windows 7 Home Premium (with a load of programs installed on)which is not booting and a message pops up saying ‘Not for Vista or later’.
This is very disappointing.
The hub appears to download a 251 MB file and install it. But nothing is installed, and the installation file is not saved. When I tried, on 2 computers, to burn a disk, this program did not recognize the blank CD. It appears that something is seriously wrong.
Will this work on drives that are not accessible by the operating system? I have a drive that just clicks at startup and the OS won’t recognize it as a drive.
[@Grumpah] It should. However, I’ve never used it myself so I can’t say for sure. Do note, it won’t help for hardware problems though, so if your drive isn’t recognized due to a hardware problem… that is another story.