Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Windows Boot Genius / Nov 12 2016

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  • #6127536 Reply | Quote

    [@John A.] They told us lifetime license, not 12-month license.

    [@Stephen Bennett] Download Hub does allow you to pick where to place the downloaded setup file. Look at the last screen — check the checkbox and pick your folder location.

    [@eulalia fahrradklingel] No.

    [@Michael A] Yeah, you can if you want to.

    #6128357 Reply | Quote

    Please disregard the rating: it is only due to a complete failure in installing this — so far. (W7 Pro SP1 x64)
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_Windows_Boot_Genius_hub.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 581288ce
    Fault Module Name: SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_Windows_Boot_Genius_hub.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 581288ce
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0002da62
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: fe87
    Additional Information 2: fe871e8278cdd508d2f652835f900a39
    Additional Information 3: c43c
    Additional Information 4: c43c185cd567b40a1400f64b361eb49a

    #6132709 Reply | Quote

    The conditions state that the installer must be downloaded before the offer expires, but says nothing about the actual install itself. I have done the download and will install it on both of my desktop PCs today,but my laptop is on loan to my daughter for a trip. Will I still be able to install it to that computer when she returns next week?

    #6135241 Reply | Quote

    [@eulalia fahrradklingel] “not your undesirable “hub”.Man you got that right, all the hubba about that lame ass hub is right. Now 6 out of 7 people could not get it to boot and yes they know how to make the change in BIOS to set it to boot from cd as first device so WTF is going on here?


    No let me go fill out the info and do the god damn I am not a Robot shit twice since Ass-raft can’t figure out how to fix the fucking thing.

    #6137348 Reply | Quote


    After I posted last night I noticed the dates of the prior posts referred to an earlier date this year – I believe it was August, 2016. Is there any way I can get back to those earlier posts?

    I would like to be able to go back and look and see if others were reporting inabilities to boot their program manufactured recovery disks and USB drives. I do not recall seeing that particular complaint. The questions being asked were regarding the license and the reference to one year subscriptions in your description being different than the conditions listed at checkout. I see that same question is being asked today.

    Thus far I have tried to burn the boot media on three USB drives without success. I used two different computers that I had previously changed the BIOS to boot from an external USB drive. Both computers would boot from boot media produced with other recovery programs. If others are successful in producing bootable USB drives I will investigate my BIOS settings further.

    I have gotten one out of three CD drives to successfully boot. My try was on the same two computers that I mentioned above. Both computers have previously booted from CDs and USB drives.

    As to the included utilities that are part of the “Boot Genius” program; I have seen a little bit more detail in describing what the utilities are supposed to be able to do once my one bootable CD drive was successfully initialized than I was able to discover on the website. The explanations describing the included utilities and how the utilities are supposed to work our still lacking in providing useful information. I would like to know specifically what I can expect out of the program before I try to use it on an unbootable hard drive.

    I hope that you will report how to get back to posts that were made regarding prior offers of the same program being currently offered. I would also hope that you get a clear explanation of exactly what the lifetime license means to the developer.

    #6138383 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for this great program!

    #6143289 Reply | Quote
    Charles Kinney

    Install went good. Burned a CD but did not check it. Curious though that there are NO menu items at the top like it shows on the Introduction page at the Software company site. All mine did was supposedly make a boot disk and nothing else. There a trick to getting it to run “full” program?

    #6144002 Reply | Quote

    Windows 10 Professional. Install went good. Burned a usb and could boot from the usb. However burning a cd/dvd/usb is the only thing the program can. NO OTHER FUNCTIONS.
    Very disappointing.
    And it’s a pretty old version from 2014. Maybe the full program is only Win7 compatible?

    #6145638 Reply | Quote
    Franklin Moore

    Malwarebytes flagged it as PUP and completely removed it from my Windows 10 Pro system.

    #6145639 Reply | Quote
    Al M.

    Hello Ashraf,

    Sent you a W7 install crash log on this, which you promptly tossed. “This post is awaiting moderation”, your site replied. (I’m noting a disturbing tendency on the part of some sites like this, towards zapping most comments that are anything other than an enthusiastic, rubber stamp approval. That will drop their credibility right off the edge of a steep cliff !)

    Anyway, I downloaded the install stub again, just in case there was some corrupted d/l. Same results — a crash. Then, as an experiment, I temporarily turned OFF Windows Defender / Security Essentials (Microsoft’s own anti-malware program), and this allowed the program to complete the d/l and then install. Someone might want to know. But you will probably delete this comment too.

    #6147112 Reply | Quote
    Michael A

    [@NICK] When you run the cd the program launches with all of the options.

    #6147146 Reply | Quote
    Michael A

    [@NICK] Sorry Nick. That reply was meant for Charles Kinney.

    #6169247 Reply | Quote

    Упс… Ошибка 404
    Нам очень жаль, но страница, которую вы ищете, не существует.

    #7639084 Reply | Quote

    Is a good program, I used when be back at school a year ago. Is really usefull.

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
Reply To: Windows Boot Genius / Nov 12 2016