Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER / Feb 14 2021

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  • #17266246 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER, post it here! If you know of issues with WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #17267149 Reply | Quote
    sergio lopes

    Bom dia

    não consigo fazer o registo para receber a chave, pois não sei o que responder na spam protecion

    agradecia a vossa ajuda

    #17267958 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    The key appears on-screen when registering at AbylonSoft’s web page, no email involved or spam filtering.

    Too bad the program does not present as a live, ever-growing spread-sheet where we could search, sort, and select through the found wireless items by any criteria, such as when found, signal strength, type of security, last sign-on, even simply in name order.

    It appears not to keep a history of WiFi no longer available.

    I do not believe this has improved any of it’s features and benefits since the last review in April/May of 2020 at BDJ.

    Too bad.

    There are alternatives that DO all of the above, I’ll try to find them on one of my computers and report back in, but others may offer alternatives, please.

    Thanks for the opportunity to explore this and share.

    #17268906 Reply | Quote

    what just happened here? totally confusing session at sos just now. hope not a sign of things to come..

    #17269110 Reply | Quote
    d adams

    Thank you Peter Blaise for your comment. I will hold off on this offer.

    #17275070 Reply | Quote

    [@Peter Blaise]
    Traduzido automaticamente:
    A protecção contra o spam é um problema matemático. Basta introduzir o resultado como um número

    #17275084 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.
    Certainly, the functionalities you described could be added. But it’s supposed to be a simple app, without a lot of bells and whistles.

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Reply To: WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER / Feb 14 2021