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Download A2N Kernel Control Ace 2 Now


This high-end-app will provide you unique special features never seen before !

### App Features ###

# Power
-- Charger Control
For faster charging. - Range: 100 - 1500 mA

-- Battery Informations
Like accepted charging current, battery temperature and battery voltage.

-- Battery Care
Stop charging at level 80 % to reduce battery aging.
Set Max charging temperature. - Range: 30 - 45 °C

-- Battery LED (BLN EOC)
When the battery is fully charged it will indicate it by the touch-key LEDs.

Enables (only !) output voltage to the USB-Port, e.g. for charging other batteries or to supply a fan cooler.

# Audio
-- Gain Control
-- Headphones: up to +12 dB total (analog + digital)
-- Earpiece: up to +8 dB
-- Microphone: up to +30 dB
-- LPA i.e. Low-Power-Audio on suspend - Undervolting up to -100 mV

# Screen
-- Sweep2Wake aka S2W
Works partially even without forced wakelock and always available in offline-charging-mode.
With wakelock (prevents deep-sleep), you will be always able to turn the screen on with a swype.

-- Overclock Control
200 - 1300 MHz*
Set Max Freq for screen OFF.
Undervolting up to -200 mV.
-- Governor Tuning
Ability to enable boost, for higher performance.
"up_threshold" - To adjust balance between performance and powersave.

-- Overclock Control
300 - 800 MHz*
Undervolting up to -100 mV.
Ability to enable boost, for higher performance.
"up_threshold" - To adjust balance between performance and powersave.

* Max stable Freq depends on the quality of the SoC !

# Performance Profiles
-- Power Save
-- Balanced (Kernel Default)
-- Performance (OC)
-- Performance Plus (Gaming / OC) (Adjustable CPU / GPU Freq)

-- Memory Management
Swap / zRam* - LZ4 compressed swap block-device in RAM - Choice: 0 - 100 % of RAM size
Adjust Swappiness, page-cluster and read_ahead_kb.
-- FSB / DDR Overclock
200 MHz / 800 MHz @ 250 MHz / 1000 MHz for higher RAM I/O throughput.
Ability to drop caches / buffers, to free RAM.

* For multitasking, gaming, responsiveness and battery life.

# Network
-- Load kernel module for network file systems
NFS v3, v4.
L2TP - used for VPN.
-- TCP Congestion - Choice: cubic, new reno, bic, westwood+, vegas, veno, hybla, etc..

# Misc
-- Torchlight Tuning
Adjust brightness - Range: 1 - 16 (3 x brighter at 16)
-- BLN LED Notification
Set LED blink ON / OFF delay for notifications.
-- Accelerometer Calibration
Ability to disable ROM logging, aka logcat.

# Advanced Power Menu
Reboot to:
-- system
-- recovery
-- download
-- shutdown
### END App Features ###

### Supports all Ace 2 Variants: ###
-- GT-I8160
-- GT-I8160P
-- GT-I8160L

### Requirements ###
All the needed stuff you will find in my XDA thread or if you buy directly the app then it will redirect you to the proper thread.

### Like this app ? - Please rate and leave a short comment. ###

### Privacy ###
-- In case the app crashes it will send only technical debug info to the play store server, for debugging.

### CREDITS ###
-- World-gear-symbol by Freepik from - edited by ace2nutzer
-- 000webhost

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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