People with Sleep Apnea Disorder or snoring problems should better not sleep on their back. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of apnea and often comes with snoring as well. People with obstructive sleep apnea have an airway that is more narrow than normal, usually at the base of the tongue and palate. When lying on their back, the palate is above the air passage. When the pharyngeal muscles (muscles of the pharynx or throat ) relax during sleep the palate can fall backwards and this can obstruct the airway.
The side position reduces snoring and instants of sleep Apnea. Furthermore it reduces acid reflux and prevents neck and back pain. Sleeping on the stomach is also a bad sleeping position.
APNEA is an application that trains people to sleep in side position. The Android mobile phone with APNEA installed is strapped across the chest using a sports-belt.
The phone will vibrate when the person lies on his back. This alerts the sleeper without completely waking him up. If the sleeper does not respond to the vibration an alarm will ring eventually.
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