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Aplikasi untuk belajar membaca yang disusun dengan lengkap dan berurut sehingga bisa membantu anak belajar membaca dengan mudah dari nol sampai bisa.

1. Terdiri dari 70 tingkatan yang di susun sedemikian rupa sehingga anak bisa membaca rangkaian huruf secara bertahap dari yang termudah sampai anak bisa membaca kalimat.
2. Setiap tingkatan disertai tes untuk mengasah kemampuan membaca anak secara bertahap.
3. Setiap tingkatan baru disertai pengulangan tingkatan sebelumnya untuk melancarkan pemahaman sebelumnya dan membangun kemampuan membaca anak sampai lengkap.
4. Setiap kata disertai audio sehingga anak bisa memeriksa sendiri atau sebagai acuan jika anak mengalami kesulitan.
5. Suara audio menggunakan suara anak-anak yang memotifasi anak untuk bisa membaca.
6. Disertai gambar dekoratif dan warna yang menarik untuk anak-anak.
7. Disertai 10 cerita pendek yang mendidik di akhir tingkatan untuk mempraktikan kemampuan membaca anak.

Aplikasi ini di desain sebagai bahan mengajar orang tua/ guru dan bisa juga digunakan untuk belajar mandiri anak. Berikan arahan kepada anak cara belajar dengan aplikasi ini dengan benar sebelum anak belajar sendiri.

Instruksi penggunaan aplikasi:
1. Tingkat 1.1 Mengenal Huruf, tidak harus dihafal. Cukup untuk pengenalan saja.
2. Untuk level 1.2 dan selanjutnya, setiap tingkatan disertai contoh. Arahkan anak untuk mendengar contoh sampai selesai. Jangan sentuh tombol MULAI sebelum selesai.
3. Cobalah untuk mengikuti contoh.
4. Sentuh tombol MULAI untuk memulai latihan.
5. PENTING: Dorong anak mencoba membaca sendiri terlebih dahulu sebelum menekan tombol pengeras suara (speaker). Gunakan tombol pengeras suara hanya untuk memeriksa benar tidaknya bacaan, atau jika benar-benar lupa atau tidak bisa membaca kata tersebut.
6. Jika anak mengalami beberapa kali kesulitan, cobalah untuk mengulang tingkatan tersebut sampai anak benar-benar paham dan bisa membaca walaupun tidak begitu lancar.
7. Dorong anak untuk selalu mendapatkan nilai 100 sebelum melanjutkan ke tingkatan berikutnya.
8. Anak akan mampu membaca dengan lancar dengan sendirinya setelah berlatih tingkatan demi tingkatan. Jangan membuat anak menghafal kata. Yang terpenting adalah kemampuan anak untuk menalar rangkaian huruf menjadi bunyi dan kata.Applications for learning to read are arranged in a complete and sequential manner so that it can help children learn to read easily from zero to can.

1. Consisting of 70 levels arranged in such a way that the child can read the sequence of letters gradually from the easiest until the child can read the sentence.
2. Each level is accompanied by a test to gradually improve children's reading skills.
3. Each new level is accompanied by repetition of the previous levels to facilitate previous understanding and build children's reading skills to the full.
4. Each word is accompanied by audio so that the child can examine it himself or as a reference if the child has difficulty.
5. Audio sounds using children's voices motivate children to be able to read.
6. Accompanied by decorative pictures and attractive colors for children.
7. Accompanied by 10 short stories that educate at the end of the level to practice children's reading skills.

This application is designed as a parent / teacher teaching material and can also be used for children's independent learning. Give direction to the child how to learn with this application correctly before the child learns on his own.

Application usage instructions:
1. Level 1.1 Knowing letters, do not have to be memorized. Enough for introduction.
2. For level 1.2 and later, each level is accompanied by an example. Direct the child to hear the example until it's finished. Don't touch the START button before finishing.
3. Try to follow the example.
4. Touch the START button to start the exercise.
5. IMPORTANT: Encourage the child to try reading it himself first before pressing the speaker button (speaker). Use the speaker button only to check whether or not the reading is correct, or if you really forget or cannot read the word.
6. If the child has several difficulties, try to repeat the level until the child really understands and can read even though it is not so smooth.
7. Encourage children to always get 100 before continuing to the next level.
8. Children will be able to read fluently by themselves after practicing level by level. Don't make children memorize words. The most important thing is the child's ability to reason the letters into sounds and words.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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