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The Binoxxo game runs like Takuzu, Binairo, Binero or Binary Sudoku. It uses an "X" instead of a "1". There are 7 selectable game levels. Last unfinished game is saved during exit, so it can be reloaded later. The Check function (can be enabled/disabled any time) allows the verification of all fields.
There are two input methods ("Mode"):
1) select desired field and click on one of the 3 fields below (erase, X, 0)
2) first click on the empty field sets the field to "0", second click to "X", third click empties the field.
To change the input method click on "Mode" any time.
After completing the fields the result is shown, and if it is within the first 10 rows it will be saved.
All puzzles are made randomly.

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