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Learn And Build iOS App

It was very difficult to develop applications for iOS and Android as we need to learn both languages, Objective C and Java. By using hybrid technology, the development of an application easier to use that even with minimal web or little knowledge of HTML, you will be able to produce app for both platform with single development.

By purchasing this app, you will learn step-by-step with picture assisted, to develop an app for iOS particularly for iPhone and iPad. App development is very easy to use jquerymobile while packaging using Apache Cordova. nevertheless, it still requires Xcode to generate archive files before sending them to iTunes Connect and then Apple App Store.

In this app, easy method of content development using jquerymobile starting from initial setup till to be an interactive app interface. Then explained how to install some software required to run Apache Cordova and generate iOS package. The resulting package then will be run using Xcode.

Users also explained the need to register for the Apple iOS Developer Program, starting from registration up to submitting app to iTunes Connect.

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