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Calculadora de Ticket Restaurant y Buscador de restaurantes GPS PRO.

esta Aplicacion tiene dos funciones, por un lado la calculadora que te ayuda a calcular el pago de la comida, y por otro lado un buscador de restaurantes mediante GPS.

* Tienes Tickets de comidas?
* A la hora de pagar es un engorro sacar la cuenta de tickets Restaurante y efectivo que toca cada persona?
Los que usamos Ticket sabemos que no nos devuelven si nos pasamos, por eso es importante dar un Ticket menos y el resto en efectivo, esta calculadora te sacara la cuenta de ticket y efectivo.
*No sabes donde gastar tus ticket? Con el Buscador de Ticket Restaurant podras ver que restaurantes estan mas cerca de tu posicion, esta funcionalidad es especialmente util cuando viajas a una ciudad donde no conoces donde estan los restaurantes.

*La caulculadora:
valida para Ticket Restaurant, Cheque Gourmet, Sodexo y muchos mas!

Pon el numero de comensales (o pagadores) el valor de tus tickets y la cuenta, la calculadora de ticket te dira el resto!

* Efectivo por persona.
* Tickets Restaurant y efectivo que tiene que poner cada persona.

Proximas actualizaciones:
*Posibilidad de añadir restaurantes que aceptan ticket comida, las bases de datos oficiales NO SON FIABLES, lo mejor es que los propios usuarios mantengan la base de datos, ademas voy a implantar un sistema de votacion, para que sea mas fiable.

Esta Base de datos contiene todos los restaurantes Gourmet y Ticket Restaurant, e intentado varias veces contactar con sodexo, para que me facilitara un listado con sus restaurantes, pero no e consegido respuesta.... tengo que sacar los restaurantes "a mano" de su web, de 16 en 16.... esto es muy laborioso, actualmente y con esta version hay unos 2200 restaurantes en Madrid (Madrid) en total son unos 6600.... contando con todas sus localidades son unos 10.500 restaurantes.... Calculator Ticket Restaurant and restaurants Finder GPS PRO.

This application has two functions, on the one hand calculator that helps you calculate the payment of food, and on the other hand a seeker of restaurants using GPS.

* You Tickets meals?
* When pay is a bummer take account cash tickets Restaurant and touches every person?
Those who use Ticket know that do not return if we had, so it is important to give a ticket less and the rest in cash, this calculator you out the ticket and cash account.
* You Do not know where to spend your ticket? With Ticket Restaurant Finder you can see which restaurants are closest to your position, this feature is especially useful when traveling to a city where you do not know where are the restaurants.

* The caulculadora:
valid for Ticket Restaurant, Cheque Gourmet, Sodexo and many more!

Put the number of diners (or payers) the value of your tickets and account, ticket calculator will tell you the rest!

* Cash per person.
* Tickets Restaurant and effective you have to put each person.

Upcoming updates:
* Ability to add food restaurants that accept ticket, the official databases UNRELIABLE, it is best to maintain the users database will also implement a voting system, to make it more reliable.

This database contains all Ticket Restaurant and Gourmet restaurants, and tried several times to contact sodexo, to provide me with a list of restaurants, but no answer .... and consegir restaurants have to take "a hand" its website, 16 in 16 .... this is very laborious, and with this version currently there are about 2200 restaurants in Madrid (Madrid) in total are about 6600 .... counting on all localities are about 10,500 restaurants .. ..

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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