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Download Custom Texting Message SMS Now


Auto Texting – Guidance
The purpose of this application is to send text messages (sms) automatically to your device contacts. What makes this application special is, you can define custom names for each of your person in your contacts. Also defining a template (using the custom tags) will let you send custom text messages to each of your contacts at once.
Contact Screen
The usage is simple. Opening the application will load all the contacts who have a phone number on the screen. Once you choose a contact from the list, you can view its name & number information, give that person two different nick names (tag1, tag2) and choose a message template that you will create in the template screen. The filtering box will help you to filter the contacts whom have a chosen template different than Empty and at least one tag field filled. These filtered persons are ready to receive text messages, so once you hit the Post button you will send the desired custom message to the filtered contacts on your screen.
Template Screen
You can enter this screen from the contacts screen by pressing < or inside the template message. This means that whatever you typed in that persons tag1 filed will be replaced with inside the message whereas same applies to tag2.
After you enter a template, you can always select the template and edit it later on. Or you can remove the template from the list.
Quick Tagging
Because of the reason opening each contact and giving them nick names may take a long time, this creates a simple csv file where you can open it using Microsoft Excel in your pc and enter tags and template names on that file. After you replace the edited file with the original one, all the information you entered will sync to the application. This will help you save a lot time while defining tags for every contact you have.
The file is located in your main file folder under Auto Texting you can see the file named as Contact.csv. The path in latest android phones should look like this, My FilesDevice StorageAuto TextingContacts.csv. You can either hook your phone to your computer to reach this file or you can send the file via email. Once you enter all the information you want to the Tag1, Tag2 and Template fields replace it with the original file so the information will sync with the application.
Note that the name and phone number field will not be synchronized. You can change those fields from your contacts if you wish to make any changes.
Another thing you must be careful is, while entering the template filed information. The template name must match what you gave inside the application itself. Otherwise the application will override the previous template information for wrongly entered template names. For entering correct template names, what we can recommend is, before editing the csv file chose different templates for different contacts from your phone. This template names will show up inside your csv file so you can use those names by copy-paste methods also excel will help you correcting the template names since they already exist on the file.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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